Is there any way through which the rate limit duration can be customized?
For instance, I am using the default Laravel rate limiter. I would want to have something like - allow 10 requests per hour.
Laravel throttle is a rate limiter for the Laravel application.
You can make your request safe implementing laravel throttle by route group like :
Route::group(['middleware' => 'throttle:10,60'], function () {
Route::get('your_route', 'YourController@your_method');
Route::post('your_route2', 'YourController@your_method2');
Route::middleware('throttle:10,60')->group(function () {
Route::get('/user', function () {
Here 10 requests allowed in every 60 minutes (1 hour) by a single user or session IP. You have to test it on a live server. It would not work in localhost.