I'm trying to resize my images using Intervention package in my laravel project. I'm able to store images using Storage facade, but when I store them with Image class it throws below error.
Can't write image data to path (/var/www/commerce/storage/featureds/2-1537128615.jpg)
if ($request->has("featured_img")) {
$file_path = $request->get("featured_img");
$exp = explode("/",$file_path);
$filename = $exp[1];
$featured_path = "featureds/".$filename;
\Storage::copy($request->get("featured_img"), $featured_path);
\Image::make(\Storage::get($featured_path))->fit(400, 300)->save(storage_path($featured_path));
$product->media()->where("type", "featured")->update(["path" => $featured_path]);
How can I fix this ? Thanks for all your helps
Is there featureds directory in storage?
If no, you use mkdir to create directory because Intervention don't create directory automatically.