I have an odd problem. I'm trying to get a TCP connection going from my local PC to a remote hololens. On PC, I use the standard C# APIs (TCPClient, TCPListener) and on the Hololens I'm forced to use the UWP stuff (StreamSocket, StreamSocketListener).
I have tested the following configurations:
StreamSocket (local PC) <-> StreamSocketListener (Hololens): Working
StreamSocketListener (local PC) <-> StreamSocket (Hololens): Working
TCPClient (local PC) <-> StreamSocketListener (Hololens): Working
TCPClient (local PC) <-> TCPListener (also local client): Working
TCPListener (local PC) <-> StreamSocket (Hololens): Not working!
Even more confusing!
TCPListener (local PC) <-> StreamSocket (as UWP app on local PC): Working! (Even though localhost should be blocked by the UWP API by default)
Is this explicitly prohibited somehow? And is there a way around it? Not sure if I should show code, it's typical, minimal, and copypasted from doc references.
So for some reason my Hololens can't initiate contact to the PC, but the other way around works (StreamSocketListener on Hololens, TCPClient on PC).
There's a related question at
Can't use StreamSocket to connect to a TcpListener
but I'm not testing over localhost. I'm testing between Hololens and the PC.
Here's what the TCPListener usage looks like:
var connectionListener = new TcpListener(localAddress, port);
connectionListener.BeginAcceptTcpClient(AcceptTCPClient, connectionListener);
//somewhere else
private void AcceptTCPClient(IAsyncResult result)
var client = connectionListener.EndAcceptTcpClient(result);
OnConnectEvent(client); //custom callback, registered somewhere outside
connectionListener.BeginAcceptTcpClient(AcceptTCPClient, connectionListener); //accept next client
And perhaps also relevant, StreamSocket usage:
//this all happens in a separate thread.
var networkSocket = new StreamSocket();
while (!IsConnected)
await networkSocket.ConnectAsync(new HostName(""), "7777");
//do stuff with socket here
catch (Exception e)
//errorhandling here
I should note that I have separate TCPListeners for each local network address.
Same problem resolved by configuring TcpListener
to listen to any IP address.
IPEndPoint ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, ConnectionPort);
networkListener = new TcpListener (ipEndPoint);
networkListener.Start (10);