Finding the intersect between a quadratic and line

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2021-01-29 10:30:55


I am trying to find the intersect between a straight line and a quadratic curve, however the result I am getting appears to be imaginary although I don't see how this can be the case as I can see them intersect on real axes:

Import numpy
#quadratic coefficients

a,b,c = (-3.09363812e-04, 1.52138019e+03, -1.87044961e+09)

# y = ax^2 + bx + c

#line coefficients

m,d = (1.06446434e-03, -2.61660911e+03)

#y = mx + d

intersect = (-(b-m)+((b-m)**2 - 4*a*(c-d))**0.5)/(2*a)


The output of this is 2458883.4674943495-107.95731226786134j

I am trying to find the intersect between the yellow curve over the blue points and the black dotted line


The graphed curves you presented vs. your equations are not the same, and your equations do not intersect.

I rewrote some example code for you. numpy isn't needed, and an exact solution is possible.

import math
import collections

def calculateIntersection(p, l):
  b = p.B - l.slope
  c = p.C - l.yInt

  discriminant = b**2 - (4 * p.A * c)

  if discriminant > 0.0:
    # 2 points of intersection
    x1 = (-b + math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2.0 * p.A)
    x2 = (-b - math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2.0 * p.A)

    return discriminant, [(x1, l.slope * x1 + l.yInt), (x2, l.slope * x2 + l.yInt)]

  elif discriminant == 0.0:
    # 1 point of intersection
    x1 = -b / (2.0 * p.A)

    return discriminant, [(x1, slope * x1 + l.yInt)]
    # no points of intersection
    return discriminant, []

Line = collections.namedtuple('Line', 'slope yInt')
Poly = collections.namedtuple('Poly', 'A B C')

p = Poly(A=-3.09363812e-04, B=1.52138019e+03, C=-1.87044961e+09)

l = Line(slope=1.06446434e-03, yInt=-2.61660911e+03)

(discriminant, points) = calculateIntersection(p, l)

if (len(points) > 0):
  print("Intersection: {}".format(points))
  print("No intersection: {}".format(discriminant))

