I need to produce a LaTeX table completely in R, so that if the values in the table change over the course of analysis, the formatting of the table remains the same.
I am passing a matrix of values (a balance table for an RCT if there are any economists out there) into stargazer. It mostly gets the table right. However, the first column is center-aligned and I need it to be left-aligned.
No online solutions have worked to date.
I have read this solution (how to align stargazer table to the left when type="latex"?) and am able to create a string that replaces "ccccc" with "lcccc" which, when pasted into a .tex file, does succeed in left-aligning my first column. BUT it does not output the result of cat(out) into a .tex file. I could copy-paste this into a new file, but then would have to repeat this for each table I am creating for the project, every time I run my code and leaves room for errors. I need my code to be fully replicable.
I had hoped that downloading the package starpolishr (https://github.com/ChandlerLutz/starpolishr) could allow me to edit code within R more easily, but I have not figured out how to use it in this capacity.
This is my matrix
balance.table <- rbind(balance.table, num.kids, num.awc, f.stat, f.stat.prob)
Exported using stargazer to balance_table.tex
stargazer(balance.table, type="latex",
title ="Balance table",
digits = 2,
float = FALSE,
header = TRUE,
rownames = FALSE,
out = paste0(exhibits, "balance_table.tex"))
From this, the first line of LaTeX output is:
\begin{tabular}{@{\extracolsep{5pt}} ccccc}
Here is my attempt to edit it based on the example linked above:
starout <- capture.output(
stargazer(balance.table, type="latex",
title ="Balance table",
digits = 2,
float = FALSE,
header = FALSE,
rownames = FALSE,
out = paste0(exhibits, "balance_table2.tex")))
starout <- sub(" ccccc", " lcccc", starout)
This results in the updated first line of LaTeX code:
\begin{tabular}{@{\extracolsep{5pt}} lcccc}
However, I have no way to now export this to LaTeX. The output IS a file called "balance_table2.tex" but it is the same as "balance_table.tex" and has "ccccc" instead of "lcccc".
Is there some way to export the result of cat() to a .tex file? Or is there a way to get the alignment using starpolishr or some other fully replicable method?
You can use writeLines(starout, "balance_table.tex")
after the substitution. See this SO post for some alternative solutions.