I created an alternative phx.gen.html
which creates templates with TailwindCSS. It works fine. I'd like to share it by creating a Hex package phx_tailwind_generators
. Here is what I have so fare:
$ phx_tailwind_generators:main> tree
├── README.md
├── lib
│ ├── phx_tailwind_generators.ex
├── mix.exs
├── priv
│ └── templates
│ └── tailwind.gen.html
│ ├── controller.ex
│ ├── controller_test.exs
│ ├── edit.html.eex
│ ├── form.html.eex
│ ├── index.html.eex
│ ├── new.html.eex
│ ├── show.html.eex
│ └── view.ex
└── test
├── phx_tailwind_generators_test.exs
└── test_helper.exs
In those templates I use the tailwind_error_tag/2
helper which is defined here:
defmodule ExampleWeb.TailwindHelper do
use Phoenix.HTML
import ExampleWeb.ErrorHelpers
@doc """
Generates tag for inlined form input errors.
def tailwind_error_tag(form, field) do
Enum.map(Keyword.get_values(form.errors, field), fn error ->
content_tag(:p, translate_error(error),
class: "mt-2 text-sm text-red-500",
phx_feedback_for: input_name(form, field)
But how do I store this helper definition in the hex package? How do I rename defmodule ExampleWeb.TailwindHelper do
in a way that it will work in the target system?
The repo: https://github.com/wintermeyer/tailwind_phx_generators
In order for users of your package to use this helper, they will need to import the module in the def view
section of their myapp_web.ex
file. Name the module as fitting for your project and in your Readme give them the instructions. An example project you can check out would be: https://github.com/ikeikeikeike/phoenix_html_simplified_helpers.
Quote from their Readme:
3 phoenix_html_simplified_helpers need to import(use) your Phoenix project. The following description is adding 'use syntax' into web.ex.
def view do quote do use Phoenix.View, root: "web/templates" # Import convenience functions from controllers import Phoenix.Controller, only: [get_csrf_token: 0, get_flash: 2, view_module: 1] # Use all HTML functionality (forms, tags, etc) use Phoenix.HTML use Phoenix.HTML.SimplifiedHelpers # <- this line. import MyApp.Router.Helpers import MyApp.ErrorHelpers import MyApp.Gettext end end
You are after eex
templating the sources. See how phoenix does it for e. g. context template.
Then you need to process it as shown here. In a nutshell, it’ll be all about calling EEx.eval_file/3.
Mix.Generator.create_file(target, EEx.eval_file(source, binding))