I am making a Discord BOT using discord.py-rewrite
and am focusing on the Music part of my BOT. I checked the API several times but I do not know how to make my self mute or self deaf on a voice channel (not server mute or server deafen). Anyone please know how I can self mute or self deaf my discord BOT?
It looks like the API doesn't expose this functionality, but there is a method for doing this in the websocket code
async def mute(ctx):
voice_client = ctx.guild.voice_client
if not voice_client:
channel = voice_client.channel
await voice_client.main_ws.voice_state(ctx.guild.id, channel.id, self_mute=True)
I can't test this at the moment, so it may not work. Keep in mind also that there is no guarantee that internal methods like this won't change even between minor versions.