Mock 'fs' module in jest

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2021-01-29 04:13:39


I'm trying to mock the fs module like so:


And as seen in this post - Mock fs function with jest

I should be able to treat the functions inside the module as jest.fn() and use - fs.existsSync.mockReturnValue(false); for instance.

That however does not seem to work and typescript gives me a bunch of errors. All I want to do is assert a couple of functions like mkdirSync to have been called times or with some parameters and I seem to be running into this error -

'The "path" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or URL. Received type undefined'

I tried to add fs.ts to the __mocks__ folder and mock it there - but that was no luck.

The file I am trying to test is a class and it imports fs. I am creating a new class instance in the beforeEach jest method.

So generally speaking, I don't really care to create a file or see if it exists, I wish to have a mocked return value or an implementation and just check with what parameters the fs module functions have been called.


It appears that running jest and mocking the file system in any way results in a conflict as jest is also using the fs module to handle the run.

The only solution i have found to overcome this issue:

export class SomeClass {
    fs: typeof fs;
    constructor() { this.fs = fs }

Mock the fs methods like so in a test:

someClass.fs = {
    mkdirSync: jest.fn()
} as any;



