I have 10 trials and two conditions (randomized across the trials) that consist of playing either an optic flow mp4 movie or a random flow mp4 movie. To load and play the mp4 I used visual.MovieStim3
nBlocks = 4
nTrials = 10
nb_conditions = np.arange(1,3) # We have two conditions : condition 1 is Optic flow and condition 2 is Random flow
conditions = nb_conditions.repeat(nTrials/2) # 5 times condition1 and 5 times condition2
conditions_rand = np.random.permutation(nb_conditions) # Randomize the order of the conditions
# --- Load optic flow and random flow movies ---
optic_flow_movie = visual.MovieStim3(win, ‘optic_flow.mp4’)
random_flow_movie = visual.MovieStim3(win, ‘random_flow.mp4’)
# --- iterate through trials and play movies---
for trialcount in range(nTrials):
for Nframes in range(700):
if conditions_rand[trialcount] == 1:
elif conditions_rand[trialcount] == 2:
It starts playing the first video on the conditions_rand array, then at a random interval of time, it shows a second video and then the screen is black again for a long time as it freezes. Because it doesn’t throw any error, I have no idea why it is behaving this way. Your help would be highly appreciated thanks !!
Try inserting:
in between the two for loops, so each movie gets reset to its start frame before getting played again.