I am trying to create a list of products at a given warehouse. Allen Browne's ConcatRelated() function seems to be the tried and true method to create lists using when a linked variable is the same, but I can't get it to work.
I have broken my information down into a single query... "qry_Products"
SELECT qry_AX_LineItems_LINES.Warehouse, tblREF_Chemical.[Sales Name]
FROM qry_AX_LineItems_LINES INNER JOIN tblREF_Chemical ON
qry_AX_LineItems_LINES.ItemId = tblREF_Chemical.[Item Number]
GROUP BY qry_AX_LineItems_LINES.Warehouse, tblREF_Chemical.[Sales Name];
It produces a table with the Sales Name and Warehouse(s).
What I need to see happen is a list of the Sales Names when their warehouse matches.
I have tried using the function in a textbox of my form...
=ConcatRelated("[Sales Name]","[qry_Products]"," Warehouse ='" & [Warehouse]
& "'")
It causes an Error 3061 and leaves the cell blank.
I double checked my syntax within the quotes by using Dlookup(), and it produced the first result of the list.
I have also tried altering my query...
SELECT qry_AX_LineItems_LINES.Warehouse, ConcatRelated("[Sales Name]","
[tblREF_Chemical]") AS Expr1
FROM qry_AX_LineItems_LINES INNER JOIN tblREF_Chemical ON
qry_AX_LineItems_LINES.ItemId = tblREF_Chemical.[Item Number];
Unfortunately it then lists every product in my database as a list.
I also tried creating a new query to reference the one producing minimal information.
SELECT ConcatRelated("[Sales Name]","qry_Products") AS Expr1
FROM qry_Products;
I know that the initial query is correct but when I go to run the new query I get multiple pop-ups of Error 3061 and empty cells for results.
I double checked that I am copying the module exactly. http://allenbrowne.com/func-concat.html Module is named "Concat".
I'm reading every help guide out there but I just can't see what I should try next.
Thank you so much for time and any advice!
SubForm frm_LineItems
Query qry_Products
I found another thread that gives an alternative to the Allen Browne method. https://bytes.com/topic/access/answers/569535-combining-rows-opposite-union
This seems to be working.
'Concat Returns lists of items which are within a grouped field
Public Function Concat(strGroup As String, strItem As String) As String
Static strLastGroup As String
Static strItems As String
If strGroup = strLastGroup Then
strItems = strItems & ", " & strItem
strLastGroup = strGroup
strItems = strItem
End If
Concat = strItems
End Function
with Query SQL
Max(Concat(WH, [Sales Name])) AS Products
FROM [qry_Products]
I wanted to leave this here in case anyone else was having a similar issue.