How to setup test data when testing Firestore in XCode with Firebase Emulator?

放肆的年华 提交于 2021-01-28 19:16:15


I have been trying to setup Firebase Emulator with test data for days.

What I have done?

  • I have successfully deployed Firebase Emulators
  • I have written a test which checks for a value in the emulated Firestore and the test passes as well.
func test_WhenPartyNameIsUnique_ThenErrorIsNil() {
   // given
   let exp = self.expectation(description: "Waiting for Firebase Emulator")

   // when
   self.sut.isUnique(partyName: "akshit") { (error) in
     // then

   self.waitForExpectations(timeout: 1, handler: nil)

What's the problem?

I am not able to figure out how would I set up different test data for each of the tests. For the above test, I want to check if the partyName is not unique (meaning already present in the database). How do I do that?


The Firestore emulator now supports import/export. So to create the a test case:

  1. Run the emulators (firebase emulators:start)
  2. Connect your app or a script and create the test data you want
  3. In another terminal window run firebase emulators:export ./some-directory

Now you will have a snapshot of Firestore emulator data in ./some-directory. You can start the emulators with that data by running:

firebase emulators:start --import=./some-directory

Right now this only supports Firestore but we hope to add import/export to more emulators using the same flow in the future.


The common way to get data into the emulators right now is to run code to inject that data from your application code at startup.

Work is underway on a way to inject data on startup as a command line option to the emulators, but as usual: we can't make any promises, nor give a timeline. Until that lands though, the test data will have to be inserted from your code typically in the setup of the tests.

