How do I get the attachments from an incoming Mailgun route?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2021-01-28 18:24:54


I am using aiohttp. I have an api which handles Mailgun routed data. The emails have multiple attachments. I am not able to read all of the attachments. It just gives me a single one.

data is what I receive.

str(list(data.keys())) gives me the list - ['Content-Type', 'Date', 'Dkim-Signature', 'From', 'Message-Id', 'Mime-Version', 'Received', 'Received', 'Received', 'Subject', 'To', 'X-Envelope-From', 'X-Mailgun-Incoming', 'X-Received', 'attachment-count', 'body-html', 'body-plain', 'from', 'message-headers', 'recipient', 'sender', 'signature', 'stripped-html', 'stripped-signature', 'stripped-text', 'subject', 'timestamp', 'token', 'attachment-1']

str(data.get('attachment-count') gives me 2/3/4 when I send multiple files in the email - which is fine. But there is only one key as attachment-1.


Does attachment-1 in the keys tell that there is only one file in the data?

If there are multiple files, does that mean there are keys as - attachment-1, attachment-2 ....

How do I retrieve all the files from the email?

I tried looking for the Mailgun's documentation but did not get concrete help for reading the files. Can someone redirect me to some code for the same. Other fields as from, subject is just fine.

This random thing I tried also reads just a single file. This seems wrong, though.

form_data_content_type = [(, v.content_type, v.filename) if (
        v and hasattr(v, 'content_type') and hasattr(v, 'filename')) else None for v in
                              data.values()]"No. of attachments " + str(len(form_data_content_type)) # returns 1 


I tried running a flask server and tested emails with multiple files:

print(request.files) prints ImmutableMultiDict([('attachment-2', <FileStorage: 'Screen Shot 2015-09-02 at 10.18.37 am.png' ('image/png')>), ('attachment-1', <FileStorage: 'Screen Shot 2015-09-02 at 10.18.36 am.png' ('image/png')>)])

which shows there are two files indeed.

Now there is certainly an issue with how aiohttp is handling the mailgun's data:

printing gives only one file - 'attachment-1': Field(name='attachment-1', filename='Screen Shot 2015-09-02 at 10.40.18 am.png', file=<_io.BufferedRandom name=10>, content_type='image/png'). There is no attachment-2, god knows why!


as im not familair with python or aiohttp i cant give you the code example, but this is how it works.

POST Mailgun sends a post request with all relevant information as an array,

Files it also sends files along with the request, in php you can loop through the super-globe $_FILES to retrieve the attachments,

Inline Embedded Pictures
when someone sends a inline picture for example myimg.jpg you need to map the attachment to embedd and that why you only see attachment-1even though there are more attachments only one of them are embedded.

'attachment-count' => '3', Tells you how many attachments there are, in this case 3, in php you'd find it in $_FILES,

content-id-map' => '{"<ii_jgl9284x0_1631307716495e75>": "attachment-1"}',

Points to the embedded img

<img src="cid:ii_jgl9284x0_1631307716495e75" width="190" height="114">

