simplest build system for cytoscape.js?

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2021-01-28 14:08:58


I maintain two R packages which depend on cytoscape.js (cyjShiny and RCyjs). I use webpack and npm to build a bundle, which I then combine with my relatively short R/Javascript wrapper.

My problem: I return maybe twice yearly to the packages, rerun webpack, see 1000 modules install, see cryptic error reports concerning deprecated modules. Then webpack runs - which I never really understood - and if problems occur, I scratch my head till I have hacked out a path through my cognitive jungle. Which is not to speak ill of either jungles or webpack!

The hoped for solution: that I can periodically download a single file, a complete cytoscape.js, with layout modules and all dependencies included, which uses a minimal module scheme (ES6, require, commonJS, ...) which I can learn enough about to establish some basic competence.

I am sure that webpack, npm and friends are sensible tools for those building big webapps in javascript. I am not so sure that all that machinery makes sense in my limited case.

Max - any advice? Do you (or could you) offer a complete & simple, minimal-assumptions, single file version of cytoscape.js?


max franz gave me the answer, simply pointing me to the proper section at

Which states that fully bundled, all dependencies included minified builds are routinely created in several js forms. See, for example,

I downloaded cytoscape.min.js, sourced in a script tag, a simple demo works fine. No webpack. No npm. Just right for building a couple of R packages which use cytoscape.js


Since I've implemented the solution, i'll present it here. Finished bundle, containing cytoscape along with layouts (cise, dagre, cola and klay) can be found here

I've so far explored two ways (webpack and esbuild), more might be added later to linked repository, and since I consider the ESBuild solution faster and easier, i'll describe that

You'll need single file, call it eg. app.jsx

import cytoscape from 'cytoscape'
import cise from 'cytoscape-cise'
import dagre from 'cytoscape-dagre'
import cola from 'cytoscape-cola'
import klay from 'cytoscape-klay'


globalThis.cytoscape = cytoscape

And few commands, preferably use clean/dedicated dir containing only app.jsx file

# you can use your favorite package manager, i'll use yarn
# important is that `node_modules` contains the cytoscape and dependencies required in the app.jsx
yarn add cytoscape cytoscape-klay cytoscape-cola cytoscape-cise cytoscape-dagre
# this will use jsx file to create the app and bundle it for browsers as listed
esbuild app.jsx --bundle --sourcemap --target=chrome58,firefox57,safari11,edge16 --outfile=cytoscape.bundle.js

Result is cytoscape.bundle.js and

I think it's pretty obvious, how to modify which layouts you want to have in the bundle, and how to remove/add some

