WiFi Password with Command Prompt windows 8.1

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-01-28 12:23:53


I used this command to get connected WiFi password:

netsh wlan show profile name="my profile name" key=clear

but it doesn't show security key, it says:

key content = absent

Is there still any way to get it? why is it absent?


From Help

netsh wlan show profile /?

If key is set to "clear" and the caller is local administrator, the key will be shown in plain text.


You can use this batch file to get all of the ssid's and passwords from your system. Copy and paste the code below into notepad and save it as get_ssid_pwd.cmd and then open cmd as administrator, cd to the directory where you save the file and run it as get_ssid_pwd.cmd:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "tokens=2delims=:" %%a in ('netsh wlan show profile ^|find /i "All User Profile"') do (
    set "ssid=%%~a"
    call :getpwd %%ssid:~1%%
for /f "tokens=2delims=:" %%i in ('netsh wlan show profile name^="%*" key^=clear ^| findstr /C:"Key Content"') do echo ssid: %* pass: %%i

