I made this code to kick a user from the guild of a discord server
The bot console doesn't give me any errors, but this code doesn't work properly when I try to kick a user. What I mean by this is that it doesn't kick the user, and it doesn't output anything in the channel.
I also checked the bots permissions, and updated these so this can't be the problem.
The version of discord.net is 1.0.2
[Command("kick"), Alias("Kick"), Summary("Kicks a user from the server")]
public async Task Kick(SocketGuildUser userAccount, string reason)
var user = Context.User as SocketGuildUser;
var role = (user as IGuildUser).Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Admin");
if (!userAccount.Roles.Contains(role))
if (user.GuildPermissions.KickMembers)
await userAccount.KickAsync(reason);
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"The user `{userAccount}` has been kicked, for {reason}");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("No permissions for kicking a user.");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("This User can't be kicked, because the user has a admin role.");
public async Task KickAsync(IGuildUser user)
var GuildUser = Context.Guild.GetUser(Context.User.Id);
if (!GuildUser.GuildPermissions.KickMembers)
await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();
await ReplyAsync(":warning: `No permissions to kick players`");
await user.KickAsync();
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":eye: `{user.Username} has been kicked from the server`");
var guild = Context.Guild;
var channel = guild.GetTextChannel(609086251978457098); //582790350620327952
EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder();
builder.WithTitle("Logged Information")
.AddField("User", $"{user.Mention}")
.AddField("Moderator", $"{Context.User.Username}")
.AddField("Other Information", "Can be invited back")
.AddField("Command", $"``.kick {user.Username}``")
.WithDescription($"This player has been kicked from {Context.Guild.Name} by {Context.User.Username}")
.WithFooter($"{Context.User.Username}", Context.User.GetAvatarUrl())
.WithColor(new Color(54, 57, 62));
I figured it out, instead of using the
async Task Kick(SocketGuildUser userAccount, string reason)
I needed to use
async Task Kick(IGuildUser userAccount, string reason)