I am exploring protractor tool with cucumber and test is executing super fast.. in order to know if really elements are getting clicked or not, I am using sleep() method but failing. I am also using another method wait() with expected conditions which is also failing.. In fact, I understood click() method on the link element itself is failing.. That is, unable to click on element which I desired, however when I print on console element is printing all its attributes and methods.
please find the code snippet as below;
When(/^I click on "(.*?)" link$/, (callback) => {
console.log("Clicking... ");
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(login.confirmInstructions), 5*1000, "Waiting for Confirmation link...");
var confirmLink = login.confirmInstructions;
var isClickable = EC.elementToBeClickable(confirmLink);
browser.wait(isClickable, 10*1000, "Element clickable");
//browser.wait(validateText(element(by.binding('myvar'))), 5000, "");
//browser.wait(EC.presenceOf(confirmation.confirmScreen), 60*1000);
return callback;
What I am missing here.?
I'm not sure I understand the question but if you just want to see if your "confirmInstructions" is clicked, you should use a debugger and set a breakpoint before the method
I understood, the best way to wait for web elements in protractor is to use, wait() rather than sleep. However, I was looking either of the way (by using wait / sleep) to slow down the test execution, as it is useful while implementing test scenarios in order to recognize web elements. Finally, following method for now I am using it.. but still if there is a better way to handle please put your comments..
const sleep = (milliseconds) => {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds));
and calling sleep from my function as: await sleep(2000);
For now, I am able to move forward with writing tests.. I am also sure there is a better way in protractor API, yet to find it's implementation.