Trying to use encrypted database password to connect to database using spring auto configuration
I am using Spring auto configuration to connect to database. For that i added below properties in properties file:
In my dao class, i have @Autowired NamedParameterJdbcTemplate and using it directly to get data from database.
Till here it is working fine.
Now i need to encrypt the password in properties file. For that i did the below:
- Added jasypt-spring-boot-starter in pom
- Added spring.datasource.password=ENC(NoIv2c+WQYF3LenN0tDYPA==) in properties file
- Added jasypt.encryptor.password=key in properties file
Now i am getting the below error:
Failed to bind properties under 'spring.datasource.password' to
Reason: Failed to bind properties under 'spring.datasource.password' to
I'm providing some basic guide as follows.
You need to add following two parameters in to property file in order application to work properly. This is assuming you are encrypting using default encryption algorithm. If you are useing some other, then make sure to change it accordingly.
jasypt.encryptor.iv-generator-classname=org.jasypt.iv.NoIvGenerator jasypt.encryptor.algorithm=PBEWithMD5AndDES
You can refer to more details https://nirmalbalasooriya.blogspot.com/2020/02/spring-boot-property-encryption-using.html
In my case I was giving wrong jasypt.encryptor.password. For Example given below is properties I have set in my application.properties:
instead abc I gave jasypt as my secret key while encrypting the password so the encripted password is wrong. Then it throwing this error. Later I realised and found that the key is not correct. Then gave the right key i.e., abc.Then it worked for me. Silly mistake but it cost me 4 hours. Hope it will be useful for others.