Writing a putchar in Assembly for x86_64 with 64 bit Linux?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2021-01-28 06:10:27


I am trying to use the write syscall in order to reproduce the putchar function behavior which prints a single character. My code is as follows,

  push    rbp
  mov     rbp, rsp

  mov     r8, rdi

  mov     rax, 1
  mov     rdi, 1
  mov     rsi, r8
  mov     rdx, 1

  mov     rsp, rbp
  pop     rbp


From man 2 write, you can see the signature of write is,

ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);

It takes a pointer (const void *buf) to a buffer in memory. You can't pass it a char by value, so you have to store it to memory and pass a pointer.

(Don't print one char at a time unless you only have one to print, that's really inefficient. Construct a buffer in memory and print that. e.g. this x86-64 Linux NASM function: How do I print an integer in Assembly Level Programming without printf from the c library?)

A NASM version of GCC: putchar(char) in inline assembly:

; x86-64 System V calling convention: input = byte in DIL
; clobbers: RDI, RSI, RDX,  RCX, R11 (last 2 by syscall itself)
; returns:  RAX = write return value: 1 for success, -1..-4095 for error
    mov    byte [rsp-4], dil      ; store the char from RDI

    mov     edi, 1                ; EDI = fd=1 = stdout
    lea     rsi, [rsp-4]          ; RSI = buf
    mov     edx, edi              ; RDX = len = 1
    syscall                    ; rax = write(1, buf, 1)

