Testing conditions that exit the test

佐手、 提交于 2021-01-28 03:10:41


I have to test several routines/functions that have several if statements that leads to a terminate() or exit() statement that stops the test execution.

I was wondering what's the best/correct approach in testing functions like this?

For example, if I had something like the following:

void function foo(void) 
        Terminate( //include infinite while loop resulting in timeout); 
        Terminate( //includes infinite white loop resulting in timeout);

How do I hit conditionB when I have a test case that is true for conditionA?

I think I would have to create a separate test case for conditionB to be true (and condition A to be false). However, the test still executes conditionA because I have two test cases run. Test Case #1, will enter conditionA and exit the test. Withby Test Case #2, will not run because of Test Case #1.

So, how should I structure the flow of my testing paradigm?

Currently, I have a test suite for each function that contains several test cases.


Using exit outside of main is usually a bad idea; callers are offered little opportunity to clean up any resources sanely prior to the process terminating.

Think about it... What happens when fopen fails? What about fgets, malloc, pthread_create, socket? Do any of those call exit? Don't you think it'd be sensible to design your failure modes to be as consistent as possible with the rest of the world?

Use a return value and let the caller decide whether to terminate or not... Then you can construct separate testcases for each function and... viola! Your problem has disappeared...


You have 2 options:
1 Run the test in separate processes - a framework like check can do that easily for you.

Check is a unit testing framework for C. It features a simple interface for defining unit tests, putting little in the way of the developer. Tests are run in a separate address space, so both assertion failures and code errors that cause segmentation faults or other signals can be caught

2 Stub the offending function - either by linking your own version of terminate() function or by using a macro to redefine terminate to your own version. i.e.
#define terminate(_dummy_) my_terminate(_dummy_)



void function foo(void) 
    else if(conditionB) 

