By default I had postgres 10 versions on my two ubuntu 14 machines, but I installed postgres 9.6 on the two of them.
But on one of them pg_config give me:
VERSION = PostgreSQL 9.6.6
And the other:
VERSION = PostgreSQL 10.1
They have the same libpq-dev packages in:
dpkg -l | grep libpq-dev
libpq-dev 10.1-1.pgdg14.04+1 amd64 header files for libpq5 (PostgreSQL library)
So I was wondering is there a way for me to change the version installed that it gives me postgres 9.6 instead of postgres 10.01? Maybe using the pg_config file?
Tnx, Tom
update: on the instance that still shows postgres 10, this is the result(which shows that it is not installed):
ii pgdg-keyring 2017.3 all keyring for apt.postgresql.org
ii postgresql-9.6 9.6.6-1.pgdg14.04+1 amd64 object-relational SQL database, version 9.6 server
ii postgresql-client-9.6 9.6.6-1.pgdg14.04+1 amd64 front-end programs for PostgreSQL 9.6
ii postgresql-client-common 189.pgdg14.04+1 all manager for multiple PostgreSQL client versions
ii postgresql-common 189.pgdg14.04+1 all PostgreSQL database-cluster manager
ii postgresql-contrib-9.6 9.6.6-1.pgdg14.04+1 amd64 additional facilities for PostgreSQL
duplicated: pg_config shows 9.4 instead of 9.3
On: Debian, Ubuntu
the bash /usr/bin/pg_config is setup to look and get the latest /usr/lib/postgresql/*/pg_config --version available
A fast solution, NOT elegant and weak, could be to update it as follow.
Then update env as, e.g.:
export FORCE_PGCONFIG=/usr/lib/postgresql/12/pg_config
/usr/bin/pg_config (updated) :
#redhat# PGBINROOT="/usr/pgsql-"
# user edit :
if [ -n "$FORCE_PGCONFIG" ]; then
# up to you to set it properly...
LATEST_SERVER_DEV=`ls -v $PGBINROOT*/bin/pg_config 2>/dev/null|tail -n1`;
# end user edit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
if [ -n "$LATEST_SERVER_DEV" ]; then
exec "$LATEST_SERVER_DEV" "$@"
if [ -x /usr/bin/pg_config.libpq-dev ]; then
exec /usr/bin/pg_config.libpq-dev "$@"
echo "You need to install postgresql-server-dev-NN for building a server-side extension or libpq-dev for building a client-side application." >&2
exit 1