Good morning, afternoon or evening
I have grouped some positional data into 1 hour bins.
For each I have extract the minimum lat and lon.
It looks like this:
df <- "ID time_bin count lat lon maxlat minlat maxlon minlon
1 2018-10-07 22:00:00 47 51.21723 -5.021828 51.22082 51.21457 -5.019105 -5.024372
2 2018-10-07 23:00:00 61 51.21797 -4.907367 51.23592 51.21224 -4.743538 -5.018899
3 2018-10-08 00:00:00 65 51.27263 -4.612118 51.32474 51.23751 -4.576005 -4.734378
4 2018-10-08 01:00:00 107 51.42989 -4.563178 51.52467 51.32735 -4.553063 -4.575208
5 2018-10-08 02:00:00 65 51.59331 -4.565254 51.64160 51.52571 -4.550257 -4.598212
6 2018-10-08 03:00:00 84 51.59082 -4.637655 51.63241 51.57906 -4.600483 -4.674987"
df <- read.table(text=df, header = TRUE)
Using the min and max lats and logs I wish to create a polygon for each row. I know I can do this by using the coords2Polygons
function from the orcs
For example, if I take the first row and enter them manually, as in the example:
test <- cbind(c(51.21457, 51.22082, 51.22082, 51.21457),
c(-5.024372, -5.024372, -5.019105, -5.019105))
spy1 <- coords2Polygons(test, ID = "A")
plot(spy1, col = 34)
This is created using a combination of min and max lats / longs to determine the four corners.
I want to create a polygon each row. Retain all the other info and plot in leaflet
I have had a few attempts but it all starts to get a bit messy.
One approach would be to use sf
package from this excellent answer here. Implementing on your data with leaflet
lst <- lapply(1:nrow(df), function(x){
res <- matrix(c(df[x, 'maxlat'], df[x, 'maxlon'],
df[x, 'maxlat'], df[x, 'minlon'],
df[x, 'minlat'], df[x, 'minlon'],
df[x, 'minlat'], df[x, 'maxlon'],
df[x, 'maxlat'], df[x, 'maxlon'])
, ncol =2, byrow = T
df$geomtry <- st_sfc(lst)
sfdf <- st_sf(df)
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
addPolygons(data = sfdf)