how to randomly loop over an array (shuffle) in bash [duplicate]

人走茶凉 提交于 2021-01-27 14:18:40


Given an array of elements (servers), how do I shuffle the array to obtain a random new array ?

inarray=("serverA" "serverB" "serverC")

outarray=($(randomize_func ${inarray[@]})

echo ${outarray[@]}
serverB serverC serverA

There is a command shuf (man page) but it does not exist on every linux.

This is my first attempt to post a self-answered question stackoverflow, if you have a better solution, please post it.


This is another pure Bash solution:

#! /bin/bash

# Randomly permute the arguments and put them in array 'outarray'
function perm
    outarray=( "$@" )

    # The algorithm used is the Fisher-Yates Shuffle
    # (,
    # also known as the Knuth Shuffle.

    # Loop down through 'outarray', swapping the item at the current index
    # with a random item chosen from the array up to (and including) that
    # index
    local idx rand_idx tmp
    for ((idx=$#-1; idx>0 ; idx--)) ; do
        rand_idx=$(( RANDOM % (idx+1) ))
        # Swap if the randomly chosen item is not the current item
        if (( rand_idx != idx )) ; then

inarray=( 'server A' 'server B' 'server C' )

# Declare 'outarray' for use by 'perm'
declare -a outarray

perm "${inarray[@]}"

# Display the contents of 'outarray'
declare -p outarray

It's Shellcheck-clean, and tested with Bash 3 and Bash 4.

The caller gets the results from outarray rather than putting them in outarray because outarray=( $(perm ...) ) doesn't work if any of the items to be shuffled contain whitespace characters, and it may also break if items contain glob metacharacters. There is no nice way to return non-trivial values from Bash functions.

If perm is called from another function then declaring outarray in the caller (e.g. with local -a outarray) will avoid creating (or clobbering) a global variable.

The code could safely be simplified by doing the swap unconditionally, at the cost of doing some pointless swaps of items with themselves.


This is the solution I found (it even works in bash < 4.0).

Shellchecked and edited thanks to comments below.

# random permutation of input
perm() {
    # make the input an array
    local -a items=( "$@" )
    # all the indices of the array
    local -a items_arr=( "${!items[@]}" )
    # create out array
    local -a items_out=()
    # loop while there is at least one index
    while [ ${#items_arr[@]} -gt 0 ]; do
        # pick a random number between 1 and the length of the indices array
        local rand=$(( RANDOM % ${#items_arr[@]} ))
        # get the item index from the array of indices
        local items_idx=${items_arr[$rand]}
        # append that item to the out array
        ### NOTE array is not reindexed when pop'ing, so we redo an array of 
        ### index at each iteration
        # pop the item
        unset "items[$items_idx]"
        # recreate the array
        items_arr=( "${!items[@]}" )
    echo "${items_out[@]}"

perm "server1" "server2" "server3" "server4" "server4" "server5" "server6" "server7" "server8"

It is more than possible that it can be optimized.


The sort utility has the ability to shuffle lists randomly.

Try this instead:

servers="serverA serverB serverC serverD"
for s in $servers ; do echo $s ; done | sort -R


You should use shuf:

inarray=("serverA" "serverB" "serverC")
IFS=$'\n' outarray=($(printf "%s$IFS" "${inarray[@]}" | shuf))

Or when using array members with newlines and other strange characters, use null delimetered strings:

inarray=("serverA" "serverB" "serverC")
readarray -d '' outarray < <(printf "%s\0" "${inarray[@]}" | shuf -z)

