How to properly handle files upload using Node.js Express backend?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-01-27 13:57:13


I decided to use ng-flow, an Angular implementation of flow.js at front end to handle files uploading, I then picked multer as middleware to receive the files.

I did the most simple middleware setup for multer:

app.use(multer({ dest: './temp_uploads/'}))

Got a /POST upload route and I'm now logging to console what's being received:


    // Response code and stuff then ...

So the outputs are :

{ flowChunkNumber: '1',
  flowChunkSize: '1048576',
  flowCurrentChunkSize: '1606857',
  flowTotalSize: '1606857',
  flowIdentifier: '1606857-IMG_20140807_153553jpg',
  flowFilename: 'IMG_20140807_153553.jpg',
  flowRelativePath: 'IMG_20140807_153553.jpg',
  flowTotalChunks: '1' }
{ file: 
   { fieldname: 'file',
     originalname: 'blob',
     name: 'c12d6f8d4950e48eee21b43f8ee4344a',
     encoding: '7bit',
     mimetype: 'application/octet-stream',
     path: 'temp_uploads/c12d6f8d4950e48eee21b43f8ee4344a',
     extension: '',
     size: 1606857,
     truncated: false,
     buffer: null }}

Actually everything is being saved at my server, under /temp_uploads as it's supposed to. But files won't keep their names and not even extension. I wonder what I should do to configure it all good and even prevent problems at my server.

Just in case, I'll explain what I wanna do with the files. After receiving, I'll store them to Google Cloud Storage Platform. Then I will mail those files as attachments, if files are bigger than 15 MB I'll include a link to download at the mail.

At flow.js site they show this PHP snippet for handling files at server, but as I have a poor PHP background translating code isn't so reliable option to me:

$config = new \Flow\Config();
$file = new \Flow\File($config);

    if ($file->checkChunk()) {
        header("HTTP/1.1 200 Ok");
    } else {
        header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
        return ;
} else {
  if ($file->validateChunk()) {
  } else {
      // error, invalid chunk upload request, retry
      header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
      return ;
if ($file->validateFile() && $file->save('./final_file_name')) {
    // File upload was completed
} else {
    // This is not a final chunk, continue to upload

I'd like to make code more effective and actually doing the job making reliable implementation, how should I improve it?


Actually everything is being saved at my server, under /temp_uploads as it's supposed to. But files won't keep their names and not even extension. I wonder what I should do to configure it all good and even prevent problems at my server.

You can get control over naming by following the example at multer I've included it below:

    dest: './uploads/',
    rename: function (fieldname, filename) {
        return filename.replace(/\W+/g, '-').toLowerCase() +

Looks like there are many other hooks as well.

See also cloud-storage module. You can use that to push data to Google.

abstract-blob-store and google-cloud-storage built on top of that would be even better fit. It would allow you to stream the files directly to Google without having to use an intermediate storage.

