R Leaflet. Group point data into cells to summarise many data points

限于喜欢 提交于 2021-01-27 07:54:44


Morning, afternoon or evening.

I have the following positional data (adjusted from 'Count of sampling points within a grid cell')

# Demo data 
lat <- runif(1000, 46.5, 48.5)
lon <- runif(1000, 13,16)
pos <- data.frame(lon, lat)

Using the following:

ggplot(pos, aes(x = lon, y=lat)) + 
  geom_bin2d(bins = 25) +
  stat_bin_2d(aes(label=stat(count)), bins = 25, position="identity") +
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "red")+


Awesome, but,

I want to do the exact same in leaflet but cannot seem to find a straightforward solution. In reality I have over 5,000,000 data points.

Preferable when running the mouse over the cell, or using leaflets popup functionality, the number of data points for the cell will be shown.


Here is my solution.. it uses the sf-package, as well as tim's amazingly fast leafgl-package...

sample data

# Demo data 
lat <- runif(1000, 46.5, 48.5)
lon <- runif(1000, 13,16)
pos <- data.frame(lon, lat)


library( sf )
library( colourvalues )
#use leafgl for FAST rendering of large sets of polygons..
library( leafgl )
library( leaflet )

#create a spatial object with all points
pos.sf <- st_as_sf( pos, coords = c("lon","lat"), crs = 4326)
#create e grid of polygons (25x25) based on the boundary-box of the points in pos.sf
pos.grid <- st_make_grid( st_as_sfc( st_bbox( pos.sf ) ), n = 25 ) %>% 
  st_cast( "POLYGON" ) %>% st_as_sf()
#add count of points in each grid-polygon, based on an 
# intersection of points with polygons from the grid
pos.grid$count <- lengths( st_intersects( pos.grid, pos.sf ) )
#add color to polygons based on count
cols = colour_values_rgb(pos.grid$count, include_alpha = FALSE) / 255
#draw leaflet
leaflet() %>% 
  addTiles() %>% 
  leafgl::addGlPolygons( data = pos.grid,
                         weight = 1,
                         fillColor = cols,
                         fillOpacity = 0.8,
                         popup = ~count )


