Azure CDN Premium Verizon Rules Engine V4 URL Rewrite for Storage Static Website sub directories

核能气质少年 提交于 2021-01-27 07:52:50


I'm trying to host an Angular project with Azure Storage Static Website through Azure CDN Verizon Premium

Let's say i have containers for each Angular builds named like v0.3.13.3 and in that container there are also multi language builds of angular project.

What i'm trying to achieve is to serve the right index.html with correct routing for each version and language.

You may find example routes below: should serve /v0.3.13.3/index.html should serve /v0.3.13.3/index.html should serve /v0.3.13.3/fr/index.html should serve /v0.3.13.3/fr/index.html

I've managed to do it with Azure Standard Rules Engine like the screen shot below.

But as far as i've seen from the docs, in standard rules engine Contains field can't be filled with regex. I've digged all over google but can't seem to find any solution that suits me.

So i've switched my CDN service to Verizon Premium and tried to apply (v(?:(\d+)\.)?(?:(\d+)\.)?(?:(\d+)\.\d+)) to path regex.

The main issue i'm having with Verizon Premium is that i can only apply URL Rewrite feature if i state my IF field to Always

As you can see URL Rewrite is not listed.

Also i've made couple of deployments using Always statement but they did not any good.

The single example that everyone shares in their blogs

So above example does not cover File Extensions and sub routes.

Are there any ways to achieve my goal?

Thanks in advance.


Please see below in Rules Engine 4.0 as to how you select the URL Rewrite in Azure CDN - the documentation is currently lacking and still attempting to get this to work. I will update this post once it is set up correctly


I would share my current config that I using in Verizon Premium in Rule V4: The steps are:

  1. New rule: General Always
  2. Feature: URL -> URL Rewrite
  3. Source: /80XXXXXX/XXXXXX/((?:[^\?]*/)?)($|\?.*)
  4. Destination: /80XXXXXX/XXXXXX/index.html$2
  5. And add a second rule. Source: /80XXXXXX/XXXXXX/((?:[^\?]*\/)?[^\?\/.]+)($|\?.*)
  6. Destination: /80XXXXXX/XXXXXX/index.html$2

Also you can obtainer the origin as described in here

This is the XML Rule was generated

            <feature.url.url-rewrite source="/80XXXXXX/XXXXXX/((?:[^\?]*/)?)($|\?.*)" destination="/80XXXXXX/XXXXXX/index.html$2"/>
            <feature.url.url-rewrite source="/80XXXXXX/XXXXXX/((?:[^\?]*\/)?[^\?\/.]+)($|\?.*)" destination="/80XXXXXX/XXXXXX/index.html$2"/>

I hope that helps to somebody

