I wrote a program that count words.
Here is the program
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;
struct Entry {
word: String,
count: u32,
static SEPARATORS: &'static [char] = &[
' ', ',', '.', '!', '?', '\'', '"', '\n', '(', ')', '#', '{', '}', '[', ']', '-', ';', ':',
fn main() {
if let Err(err) = try_main() {
if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe {
// Ignore any error that may occur while writing to stderr.
let _ = writeln!(std::io::stderr(), "{}", err);
fn try_main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let mut words: HashMap<String, u32> = HashMap::new();
let stdin = io::stdin();
for result in stdin.lock().lines() {
let line = result?;
line_processor(line, &mut words)
output(&mut words)?;
fn line_processor(line: String, words: &mut HashMap<String, u32>) {
let mut word = String::new();
for c in line.chars() {
if SEPARATORS.contains(&c) {
add_word(word, words);
word = String::new();
} else {
fn add_word(word: String, words: &mut HashMap<String, u32>) {
if word.len() > 0 {
if words.contains_key::<str>(&word) {
words.insert(word.to_string(), words.get(&word).unwrap() + 1);
} else {
words.insert(word.to_string(), 1);
// println!("word >{}<", word.to_string())
fn output(words: &mut HashMap<String, u32>) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let mut stack = Vec::<Entry>::new();
for (k, v) in words {
stack.push(Entry {
word: k.to_string(),
count: *v,
stack.sort_by(|a, b| b.count.cmp(&a.count));
let stdout = io::stdout();
let mut stdout = stdout.lock();
while let Some(entry) = stack.pop() {
writeln!(stdout, "{}\t{}", entry.count, entry.word)?;
It some arbitrary text file as input and counts words to produce some output like :
15 the
14 in
11 are
10 and
10 of
9 species
9 bats
8 horseshoe
8 is
6 or
6 as
5 which
5 their
I compile it like this :
cargo build --release
I run it like that:
cat wiki-sample.txt | ./target/release/wordstats | head -n 50
wiki-sample.txt file I use is here
I compared execution time with the python (3.8) version which is:
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
# import unidecode
seps = set(
" ",
def out(result):
for i in result:
if __name__ == "__main__":
c = defaultdict(int)
for line in sys.stdin:
words = line.split(" ")
for word in words:
clean_word = []
for char in word:
if char not in seps and char:
r = "".join(clean_word)
# r = unidecode.unidecode(r)
if r:
c[r] += 1
r = sorted(list(c.items()), key=lambda x: -x[1])
except BrokenPipeError as e:
I run it like this :
cat /tmp/t.txt | ./venv/bin/python3 src/main.py | head -n 100
- Average computation times are : rust -> 5', python3.8 -> 19'
- python version is (i think) less optimized (a split on the whole line requires an extra O(n))
- This is single threaded process, and a quite simple program
- Most of computing time is in the word loop processing, output is almost instant.
- I also removed library code that remove accents to be more close to standard libraries of both languages.
Question : Is it normal that rust performs "only" ~3-4 times better ?
I am also wondering if I am not missing something here because I find computation time is quite long for "only" 100Mb data. I don't think (naively) there is some processing with a lower big O for this, I might be wrong.
I am used to compare some python code to some equivalent in go, java or vlang and I often have something like 20x to 100x factor speed for these benches.
Maybe cpython is good at this kind of processing, maybe I miss something in rust program (I am very new to rust) to make it more efficient.
I am frighten to miss something big in my tests, but any thought about this ?
Edit: following folks advices, I have now version below:
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;
struct Entry<'a> {
word: &'a str, // word: String,
count: u32,
static SEPARATORS: &'static [char] = &[
' ', ',', '.', '!', '?', '\'', '"', '\n', '(', ')', '#', '{', '}', '[', ']', '-', ';', ':',
fn main() {
if let Err(err) = try_main() {
if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe {
// Ignore any error that may occur while writing to stderr.
let _ = writeln!(std::io::stderr(), "{}", err);
fn try_main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let mut words: HashMap<String, u32> = HashMap::new();
let stdin = io::stdin();
for result in stdin.lock().lines() {
let line = result?;
line_processor(line, &mut words)
output(&mut words)?;
fn line_processor(line: String, words: &mut HashMap<String, u32>) {
let mut l = line.as_str();
loop {
if let Some(pos) = l.find(|c: char| SEPARATORS.contains(&c)) {
let (head, tail) = l.split_at(pos);
add_word(head.to_owned(), words);
l = &tail[1..];
} else {
fn add_word(word: String, words: &mut HashMap<String, u32>) {
if word.len() > 0 {
let count = words.entry(word).or_insert(0);
*count += 1;
fn output(words: &mut HashMap<String, u32>) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let mut stack = Vec::<Entry>::new();
for (k, v) in words {
stack.push(Entry {
word: k.as_str(), // word: k.to_string(),
count: *v,
stack.sort_by(|a, b| a.count.cmp(&b.count));
let stdout = io::stdout();
let mut stdout = stdout.lock();
while let Some(entry) = stack.pop() {
writeln!(stdout, "{}\t{}", entry.count, entry.word)?;
Which takes arount 2.6' on my computer now. This is way better and almost 10 times faster than python version which is very better but still not what I expected (that is not a real problem). There might be some other optimisations that I does not have in mind for now.
In add_word()
you circumvent the borrowing problems with new copies of word
You could just access once for all the counter you want to increment.
let count = words.entry(word).or_insert(0);
*count += 1;
You could also avoid many string reallocations in line_processor()
by working directly on the line as a &str
let mut l = line.as_str();
loop {
if let Some(pos) = l.find(|c: char| SEPARATORS.contains(&c)) {
let (head, tail) = l.split_at(pos);
add_word(head.to_owned(), words);
l = &tail[1..];
} else {
When it comes to the output()
function new copies of the strings are performed in order to initialise the Entry
We could change Entry
struct Entry<'a> {
word: &'a str, // word: String,
count: u32,
and then only work on the &str
inside the original strings (in words
stack.push(Entry {
word: k.as_str(), // word: k.to_string(),
count: *v,
Moreover, the inplace reverse of the sorted vector can be avoided if we invert the sorting criterion.
stack.sort_by(|a, b| a.count.cmp(&b.count));
// stack.reverse();
I guess these are the main bottlenecks in this example.
On my computer, timing with <wiki-sample.txt >/dev/null
gives these speedups:
original --> × 1 (reference)
using l.find()+l.split_at() --> × 1.48
using words.entry() --> × 1.25
using both l.find()+l.split_at() and words.entry() --> × 1.73
using all the preceding and &str in Entry and avoiding reverse --> x 2.05