How can I get a Hangfire job's end time?

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2021-01-07 06:31:45


Given a Hangfire job's ID, how can I get the time at which the job finished running?

I've tried the below, but the JobData class doesn't have a property for job end time.

IStorageConnection connection = JobStorage.Current.GetConnection();
JobData jobData = connection.GetJobData(jobId);


I have had a similar requirement before. Here is a method I wrote to get the SucceededAt property using the name of the running method and the current PerformContext:

public static DateTime? GetCompareDate(PerformContext context, string methodName)
    return long.TryParse(context.BackgroundJob.Id, out var currentJobId)
        ? JobStorage.Current
            ?.SucceededJobs(0, (int)currentJobId)
            ?.LastOrDefault(x => x.Value?.Job?.Method?.Name == methodName).Value?.SucceededAt
        : null;

You could just as easily get DeletedJobs, EnqueuedJobs, FailedJobs, etc.

You can call it from a job method like this:

public async Task SomeJob(PerformContext context, CancellationToken token)
    var compareDate = GetCompareDate(context, nameof(SomeJob));

You just have to add the PerformContext when adding the job by passing in null:

        recurringJobId: "1",
        job: Job.FromExpression(() => SomeJob(null, CancellationToken.None)),
        cronExpression: Cron.Hourly(15),
        options: new RecurringJobOptions
            TimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.Local

Note: It will only work if the succeeded job has not expired yet. Successful jobs expire after one day - if you need to keep them longer (to get the SucceededAt property), here is a reference for that: How to configure the retention time of job?


You could try using the Stopwatch class when you first call the task and stop it when the task is completed.

Then you could use a log nugget to generate a txt log file containing the start time and end time of your job. Or directly save this values to your database so that you can review them later.

