CSV Conversion for nested dictionary and re-arrange few aspects

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2021-01-07 02:46:51


I'm having troubles with CSV conversion, I'm not that sure on how to do this (not that familiar with CSV conversion, testing this out as a side project) I have a nested dictionary that I want to create into a CSV:

  • I want to set STRONG_AXE and FAST_AXE under the column ITEM_ID
  • Make another column called base which contains the attack values, 10 and 1, same with attack speed.
  • Crit power has 4 parts to it, the base, scale, spread and max spread, I also want to convert all of those (this is the troublesome part for me) into 1 column called crit-power with 10.0 0.1 0.1 0.2.

Let's say I have 'axe.yml' for an rpg:

# axe.yml
  base: iron_axe
  attack-damage: 10
  attack-speed: 1
      base: 10.0
      scale: 0.1
      spread: 0.1
      maxSpread: 0.2
  base: copper_axe
  attack-damage: 5
  attack-speed: 2

Now I open 'axe.yml' as f (file), then I convert it into a dictionary.

import csv,yaml 

with open(r'axe.yml') as f:
    dict_data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
    print (dict_data)

Then the convert dictionary that appears is:

{'STRONG_AXE': {'base': 'iron_axe', 'attack-damage': 10, 'attack-speed': 1, 'crit-power': {'base': 10.0, 'scale': 0.1, 'spread': 0.1, 'maxSpread': 0.2}}, 'FAST_AXE': {'base': 'copper_axe', 'attack-damage': 5, 'attack-speed': 2}}

So how would the conversion work? (Dropped coding for a while, sorry for my uh... newbie-ishness)


Here's one way to handle the nested data. It creates separate fields for each of the items in the nested dictionary and adds a prefix to each of their names.

import csv
import yaml
from pprint import pprint

inp_filepath = 'axe.yml'
outp_filepath = 'axe.csv'

FAST, STRONG = 'FAST_AXE', 'STRONG_AXE'  # Axe type ids.
COMMON_FIELDS = ['base', 'attack-damage', 'attack-speed']
STRONG_AXE_ONLY_FIELDS = ['base', 'scale', 'spread', 'maxSpread']
CRIT_POWER_FIELDS = [('crit-power-' + fieldname) for fieldname in STRONG_AXE_ONLY_FIELDS]

with open(inp_filepath) as file:
    data = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

with open(outp_filepath, 'w', newline='') as file:
    writer = csv.DictWriter(file, CSV_FILE_FIELDS)

    for axetype, axedata in data.items():
        row = {'axe-type': axetype}

        if axetype == FAST:
            # Add common fields.
            row.update({fieldname: axedata[fieldname] for fieldname in COMMON_FIELDS})

        elif axetype == STRONG:
            # Add common fields.
            row.update({fieldname: axedata[fieldname] for fieldname in COMMON_FIELDS})

            # Then add renamed STRONG only fields.
            crit_power_data = axedata['crit-power']
            row.update({('crit-power-' + fieldname): crit_power_data[fieldname]
                            for fieldname in STRONG_AXE_ONLY_FIELDS})

            raise RuntimeError(f'unknown axe type "{axetype}" encountered')

#        pprint(row, sort_dicts=False)  # Show row data being written to file.

print('Conversion completed')

