bitparallel weighted Levenshtein distance

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2021-01-07 01:32:07


I am using a weighted Levenshtein distance with the following costs:

  • insertion: 1
  • deletion: 1
  • replacement: 2

As pointed out by wildwasser in a comment, this means, that a substitution is treated as an insertion and a deletion. So substitutions could be avoided by the algorithm.

For the normal implementation with a cost of 1 for each operation there are multiple bitparallel implementations like e.g. Myers/Hyyrö:

static const uint64_t masks[64] = {
    0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000003, 0x0000000000000007, 0x000000000000000f,
    0x000000000000001f, 0x000000000000003f, 0x000000000000007f, 0x00000000000000ff,
    0x00000000000001ff, 0x00000000000003ff, 0x00000000000007ff, 0x0000000000000fff,
    0x0000000000001fff, 0x0000000000003fff, 0x0000000000007fff, 0x000000000000ffff,
    0x000000000001ffff, 0x000000000003ffff, 0x000000000007ffff, 0x00000000000fffff,
    0x00000000001fffff, 0x00000000003fffff, 0x00000000007fffff, 0x0000000000ffffff,
    0x0000000001ffffff, 0x0000000003ffffff, 0x0000000007ffffff, 0x000000000fffffff,
    0x000000001fffffff, 0x000000003fffffff, 0x000000007fffffff, 0x00000000ffffffff,
    0x00000001ffffffff, 0x00000003ffffffff, 0x00000007ffffffff, 0x0000000fffffffff,
    0x0000001fffffffff, 0x0000003fffffffff, 0x0000007fffffffff, 0x000000ffffffffff,
    0x000001ffffffffff, 0x000003ffffffffff, 0x000007ffffffffff, 0x00000fffffffffff,
    0x00001fffffffffff, 0x00003fffffffffff, 0x00007fffffffffff, 0x0000ffffffffffff,
    0x0001ffffffffffff, 0x0003ffffffffffff, 0x0007ffffffffffff, 0x000fffffffffffff,
    0x001fffffffffffff, 0x003fffffffffffff, 0x007fffffffffffff, 0x00ffffffffffffff,
    0x01ffffffffffffff, 0x03ffffffffffffff, 0x07ffffffffffffff, 0x0fffffffffffffff,
    0x1fffffffffffffff, 0x3fffffffffffffff, 0x7fffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff,

int distance(char* a, int len_a, char* b, int len_b) {
    if (len_a > 64) {
      return -1;

    uint64_t posbits[256] = {0};

    for (int i=0; i < len_a; i++){
        posbits[(unsigned char)a[i]] |= 1ull << i;
    int dist = len_a;
    uint64_t mask = 1ull << (len_a - 1);
    uint64_t VP   = masks[len_a - 1];
    uint64_t VN   = 0;

    for (int i=0; i < len_b; i++){
      uint64_t y = posbits[(unsigned char)b[i]];
      uint64_t X  = y | VN; 
      uint64_t D0 = ((VP + (X & VP)) ^ VP) | X;
      uint64_t HN = VP & D0;
      uint64_t HP = VN | ~(VP|D0);
      X  = (HP << 1) | 1;
      VN =  X & D0;
      VP = (HN << 1) | ~(X | D0);
      if (HP & mask) { dist++; }
      if (HN & mask) { dist--; }
    return dist; 

Is there a similar algorithm to calculate this weighted version of the levenshtein distance?


I was able to implement this using the algorithm described in BitPAl: A Bit-Parallel, General Integer-Scoring Sequence Alignment Algorithm.

int weighted_levenshtein_bitpal(char* a, int len_a, char* b, int len_b)
  if (len_a > 64) {
    return -1;

  uint64_t posbits[256] = {0};

  for (int i = 0; i < len_a; i++){
    posbits[(unsigned char)a[i]] |= 1ull << i;

  uint64_t DHneg1 = ~0x0ull;
  uint64_t DHzero = 0;
  uint64_t DHpos1 = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < len_b; ++i)
    uint64_t Matches = posbits[(unsigned char)b[i]];
    //Complement Matches
    uint64_t NotMatches = ~Matches;

    //Finding the vertical values. //Find 1s
    uint64_t INITpos1s = DHneg1 & Matches;
    uint64_t DVpos1shift = (((INITpos1s + DHneg1) ^ DHneg1) ^ INITpos1s);

    //set RemainingDHneg1
    uint64_t RemainDHneg1 = DHneg1 ^ (DVpos1shift >> 1);
    //combine 1s and Matches
    uint64_t DVpos1shiftorMatch = DVpos1shift | Matches;

    //Find 0s
    uint64_t INITzeros = (DHzero & DVpos1shiftorMatch) ;
    uint64_t DVzeroshift = ((INITzeros << 1) + RemainDHneg1) ^ RemainDHneg1;

    //Find -1s
    uint64_t DVneg1shift = ~(DVpos1shift | DVzeroshift);
    DHzero &= NotMatches;
    //combine 1s and Matches
    uint64_t DHpos1orMatch = DHpos1| Matches;
    //Find 0s
    DHzero = (DVzeroshift & DHpos1orMatch) | (DVneg1shift & DHzero);
    //Find 1s
    DHpos1 = (DVneg1shift & DHpos1orMatch);
    //Find -1s
    DHneg1 = ~(DHzero | DHpos1);
  //find scores in last row
  uint64_t add1 = DHzero;
  uint64_t add2 = DHpos1;

  int dist = len_b;

  for (int i = 0; i < len_a; i++)
    uint64_t bitmask = 1ull << i;
    dist -= ((add1 & bitmask) >> i) * 1 + ((add2 & bitmask) >> i) * 2 - 1;

  return dist;

The algorithm requires, that both strings only use characters below 256 (extended Ascii), and that string a has a length < 65. Support for characters over 256 (full utf32) can be added using a simple key value storage instead of the array:

typedef struct {
  uint32_t key[128];
  uint64_t val[128];
} blockmap_entry;

void blockmap_insert(blockmap_entry* map, uint32_t ch, int pos) {
    uint8_t hash = ch % 128;
    uint32_t key = ch | 0x80000000U;

    while (map->key[hash] && map->key[hash] != key) {
      if (hash == 127) hash = 0;
      else hash++;

    map->key[hash] = key;
    map->val[hash] |= 1 << pos;

uint64_t blockmap_get(blockmap_entry* map, uint32_t ch) {
    uint8_t hash = ch % 128;
    uint32_t key = ch | 0x80000000U;

    while (map->key[hash] && map->key[hash] != key) {
      if (hash == 127) hash = 0;
      else hash++;

    return (map->key[hash] == key) ? map->val[hash] : 0;

The algorithm can then be implemented in the following way:

int weighted_levenshtein_bitpal(uint32_t* a, int len_a, uint32_t* b, int len_b)
  if (len_a > 64) {
    return -1;

  blockmap_entry posbits = {0};

  for (int i = 0; i < len_a; i++){
    blockmap_insert(&posbits, a[i], i);

  uint64_t DHneg1 = ~0x0ull;
  uint64_t DHzero = 0;
  uint64_t DHpos1 = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < len_b; ++i)
    uint64_t Matches = blockmap_get(&posbits, a[i]);
    //Complement Matches
    uint64_t NotMatches = ~Matches;

    //Finding the vertical values. //Find 1s
    uint64_t INITpos1s = DHneg1 & Matches;
    uint64_t DVpos1shift = (((INITpos1s + DHneg1) ^ DHneg1) ^ INITpos1s);

    //set RemainingDHneg1
    uint64_t RemainDHneg1 = DHneg1 ^ (DVpos1shift >> 1);
    //combine 1s and Matches
    uint64_t DVpos1shiftorMatch = DVpos1shift | Matches;

    //Find 0s
    uint64_t INITzeros = (DHzero & DVpos1shiftorMatch) ;
    uint64_t DVzeroshift = ((INITzeros << 1) + RemainDHneg1) ^ RemainDHneg1;

    //Find -1s
    uint64_t DVneg1shift = ~(DVpos1shift | DVzeroshift);
    DHzero &= NotMatches;
    //combine 1s and Matches
    uint64_t DHpos1orMatch = DHpos1| Matches;
    //Find 0s
    DHzero = (DVzeroshift & DHpos1orMatch) | (DVneg1shift & DHzero);
    //Find 1s
    DHpos1 = (DVneg1shift & DHpos1orMatch);
    //Find -1s
    DHneg1 = ~(DHzero | DHpos1);
  //find scores in last row
  uint64_t add1 = DHzero;
  uint64_t add2 = DHpos1;

  int dist = len_b;

  for (int i = 0; i < len_a; i++)
    uint64_t bitmask = 1ull << i;
    dist -= ((add1 & bitmask) >> i) * 1 + ((add2 & bitmask) >> i) * 2 - 1;

  return dist;

It is possible to implement the same algorithm using multiple blocks for longer strings. A C++ implementation of this can be found here.

