Appending HTML to parent from inside iFrame without jQuery

不羁的心 提交于 2021-01-05 06:42:18


I'm developing in an application where new code is introduced via iframes only. I'm trying to create a function (running inside an iFrame) that will append some html after the iFrame in which it is running. I'd rather not introduce jQuery to resolve this issue. Here is a sample

    function AppendDivAfteriFrame() {
        var iFrame = window.parent.document.getElementById(
        var newDivInParent = window.parent.document.createElement('div');
        newDivInParent.setAttribute("Id", "MyDiv");
        newDivInParent.innerHTML = 'Hello World!  I am outside the iFrame';

I don't receive any exceptions, but I never see any results either.

Update with full code

Call this page InnerPage.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function AppendDivAfteriFrame() {
            var iFrame = window.parent.document.getElementById(
            var newDivInParent = window.parent.document.createElement('div');
            newDivInParent.setAttribute("Id", "MyDiv");
            parent.document.getElementById('MyDiv').innerHTML = 'Hello World! I am outside the iFrame';
    <button onclick="AppendDivAfteriFrame()">Append HTML</button>    

Call this page OuterPage.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
    <iframe src="InnerPage.html" id="MyiFrame"></iframe>


This works:

function AppendDivAfteriFrame() {
     var iFrame = window.parent.document.getElementById(
     var newDivInParent = window.parent.document.createElement('div');
     newDivInParent.setAttribute("Id", "MyDiv");
     iFrame.parentNode.appendChild(newDivInParent);  //Edited here
     parent.document.getElementById('MyDiv').innerHTML = 'Hello World! I am outside the iFrame';           

