I am trying to build a NDK based c++ low latancy audio player which will encounter three operations for multiple audios.
- Play from assets.
- Stream from an online source.
- Play from local device storage.
From one of the Oboe samples provided by Google, I added another function to the class NDKExtractor.cpp to extract a URL based audio and render it to audio device while reading from source at the same time.
int32_t NDKExtractor::decode(char *file, uint8_t *targetData, AudioProperties targetProperties) {
LOGD("Using NDK decoder: %s",file);
// Extract the audio frames
AMediaExtractor *extractor = AMediaExtractor_new();
//using this method instead of AMediaExtractor_setDataSourceFd() as used for asset files in the rythem game example
media_status_t amresult = AMediaExtractor_setDataSource(extractor, file);
if (amresult != AMEDIA_OK) {
LOGE("Error setting extractor data source, err %d", amresult);
return 0;
// Specify our desired output format by creating it from our source
AMediaFormat *format = AMediaExtractor_getTrackFormat(extractor, 0);
int32_t sampleRate;
if (AMediaFormat_getInt32(format, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_SAMPLE_RATE, &sampleRate)) {
LOGD("Source sample rate %d", sampleRate);
if (sampleRate != targetProperties.sampleRate) {
LOGE("Input (%d) and output (%d) sample rates do not match. "
"NDK decoder does not support resampling.",
return 0;
} else {
LOGE("Failed to get sample rate");
return 0;
int32_t channelCount;
if (AMediaFormat_getInt32(format, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT, &channelCount)) {
LOGD("Got channel count %d", channelCount);
if (channelCount != targetProperties.channelCount) {
LOGE("NDK decoder does not support different "
"input (%d) and output (%d) channel counts",
} else {
LOGE("Failed to get channel count");
return 0;
const char *formatStr = AMediaFormat_toString(format);
LOGD("Output format %s", formatStr);
const char *mimeType;
if (AMediaFormat_getString(format, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_MIME, &mimeType)) {
LOGD("Got mime type %s", mimeType);
} else {
LOGE("Failed to get mime type");
return 0;
// Obtain the correct decoder
AMediaCodec *codec = nullptr;
AMediaExtractor_selectTrack(extractor, 0);
codec = AMediaCodec_createDecoderByType(mimeType);
AMediaCodec_configure(codec, format, nullptr, nullptr, 0);
bool isExtracting = true;
bool isDecoding = true;
int32_t bytesWritten = 0;
while (isExtracting || isDecoding) {
if (isExtracting) {
// Obtain the index of the next available input buffer
ssize_t inputIndex = AMediaCodec_dequeueInputBuffer(codec, 2000);
//LOGV("Got input buffer %d", inputIndex);
// The input index acts as a status if its negative
if (inputIndex < 0) {
// LOGV("Codec.dequeueInputBuffer try again later");
} else {
LOGE("Codec.dequeueInputBuffer unknown error status");
} else {
// Obtain the actual buffer and read the encoded data into it
size_t inputSize;
uint8_t *inputBuffer = AMediaCodec_getInputBuffer(codec, inputIndex,
//LOGV("Sample size is: %d", inputSize);
ssize_t sampleSize = AMediaExtractor_readSampleData(extractor, inputBuffer,
auto presentationTimeUs = AMediaExtractor_getSampleTime(extractor);
if (sampleSize > 0) {
// Enqueue the encoded data
AMediaCodec_queueInputBuffer(codec, inputIndex, 0, sampleSize,
} else {
LOGD("End of extractor data stream");
isExtracting = false;
// We need to tell the codec that we've reached the end of the stream
AMediaCodec_queueInputBuffer(codec, inputIndex, 0, 0,
if (isDecoding) {
// Dequeue the decoded data
AMediaCodecBufferInfo info;
ssize_t outputIndex = AMediaCodec_dequeueOutputBuffer(codec, &info, 0);
if (outputIndex >= 0) {
// Check whether this is set earlier
LOGD("Reached end of decoding stream");
isDecoding = false;
} else {
// Valid index, acquire buffer
size_t outputSize;
uint8_t *outputBuffer = AMediaCodec_getOutputBuffer(codec, outputIndex,
/*LOGV("Got output buffer index %d, buffer size: %d, info size: %d writing to pcm index %d",
// copy the data out of the buffer
memcpy(targetData + bytesWritten, outputBuffer, info.size);
bytesWritten += info.size;
AMediaCodec_releaseOutputBuffer(codec, outputIndex, false);
} else {
// The outputIndex doubles as a status return if its value is < 0
switch (outputIndex) {
LOGD("dequeueOutputBuffer: try again later");
LOGD("dequeueOutputBuffer: output buffers changed");
LOGD("dequeueOutputBuffer: output outputFormat changed");
format = AMediaCodec_getOutputFormat(codec);
LOGD("outputFormat changed to: %s", AMediaFormat_toString(format));
// Clean up
return bytesWritten;
Now the problem i am facing is that this code it first extracts all the audio data saves it into a buffer which then becomes part of AFileDataSource which i derived from DataSource class in the same sample. And after its done extracting the whole file it plays by calling the onAudioReady() for Oboe AudioStreamBuilder. What I need is to play as it streams the chunk of audio buffer.
Optional Query: Also aside from the question it blocks the UI even though i created a foreground service to communicate with the NDK functions to execute this code. Any thoughts on this?
You probably solved this already, but for future readers... You need a FIFO buffer to store the decoded audio. You can use the Oboe's FIFO buffer e.g. oboe::FifoBuffer. You can have a low/high watermark for the buffer and a state machine, so you start decoding when the buffer is almost empty and you stop decoding when it's full (you'll figure out the other states that you need). As a side note, I implemented such player only to find at some later time, that the AAC codec is broken on some devices (Xiaomi and Amazon come to mind), so I had to throw away the AMediaCodec/AMediaExtractor parts and use an AAC library instead.
You have to implement a ringBuffer (or use the one implemented in the oboe example LockFreeQueue.h
) and copy the data on buffers that you send on the ringbuffer from the extracting thread. On the other end of the RingBuffer, the audio thread will get that data from the queue and copy it to the audio buffer. This will happen on onAudioReady(oboe::AudioStream *oboeStream, void *audioData, int32_t numFrames)
callback that you have to implement in your class (look oboe docs). Be sure to follow all the good practices on the Audio thread (don't allocate/deallocate memory there, no mutexes and no file I/O etc.)
Optional query: A service doesn't run in a separate thread, so obviously if you call it from UI thread it blocks the UI. Look at other types of services, there you can have IntentService or a service with a Messenger that will launch a separate thread on Java, or you can create threads in C++ side using std::thread