I would like to subscribe to an RSS/XML feed from Google News that captures the following query:
Articles mentioning "studie" (German for "study"), written in German, emanating from any country.
I'm using https://news.google.com/rss/search, but for this example, it's easier to see the UI output at https://news.google.com/search, so I'll use the latter URL base in this example.
Now, in the XML API reference, Google mentions four different parameters that influence either language or country:
(host language): the language that the end user is assumed to be typing in. I.e., an English-language speaker types "study," and Google assumes that term is in English and then machine-translates the results back to English. For me, navigating to will redirect a URL withhl=en-US
(full URL is https://news.google.com/?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en).gl
: boosts search results whose country of origin matches the parameter value. The default in my web browser isgl=US
(language restrict): restricts search results to documents written in a particular languagecr
(country restrict): restricts search results to documents originating in a particular country
Based on all of the above, that would imply a URL of*:
That attempt, however, fails miserably; it shows English-language results from the U.S., and it 302 redirects to:
So, to that end:
- How can I properly structure URL parameters to capture 'Articles mentioning "studie" (German for "study"), written in German, from any country.'?
- What the heck is
and why is it documented absolutely nowhere by Google?
* I.e.:
>>> import urllib.parse
>>> urllib.parse.parse_qs('q=study&hl=en-US&lr=lang_de')
{'q': ['study'], 'hl': ['en-US'], 'lr': ['lang_de']}
Related but not resolving any of this:
- Limit Google News RSS to specific country
- RSS Google news language
- How do you specify retrieving local news when using a Google News RSS URL?
I'm using the following URL, it works for me:
you can also search in topics, please refer to this answer: URL format for Google News RSS feed
The New URL for Google New RSS is changed. You can use the following format for fetching. Also examples can be seen here.
usage: gnrss2opml.py [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-c COUNTRY] [-l LANGUAGE] [-s]
[-t [TOPIC [TOPIC ...]]] [-g [LOCATION [LOCATION ...]]]
[-q [QUERY [QUERY ...]]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output file name (default: print to stdout)
-c COUNTRY, --country COUNTRY
country / Google News edition (default: us)
-l LANGUAGE, --language LANGUAGE
language (default: en)
-s, --stories include Top Stories
-t [TOPIC [TOPIC ...]], --topics [TOPIC [TOPIC ...]]
list of topics, will be converted to uppercase
-g [LOCATION [LOCATION ...]], --locations [LOCATION [LOCATION ...]]
list of geographic locations (default: None)
-q [QUERY [QUERY ...]], --queries [QUERY [QUERY ...]]
list of search queries (default: None)
The 2 letter language code and country code can be specified in the argument.
Get the codes from here