Google sheet: import a library (CryptoJS)

橙三吉。 提交于 2021-01-01 08:15:53


I'm using the google sheet webscript to manipulate spreadsheet data and I want to use the following function to encrypt certain cells:

var encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt("message", "Secret key");

There's an option to add libraries to the Google Sheet webscript but I have no idea how to get a library installed. According to the Google documentation you need the project key/script ID in order to use the library, but I have not been able to find this kind of information.

Can someone assist in how to actually import this CryptoJS library to use in the webscript.


How about this answer? Please think of this as just one of several possible answers.

Issue and workaround:

Unfortunately, in the current stage, it seems that there are no built-in methods for directly achieving the AES encryption in Google Apps Script methods.

So in this case, how about the following workarounds?

Pattern 1:

In this pattern, crypto-js is used.


1. Get crypto-js:

Please access to And copy and paste the script to the script editor.

2. Sample script:

After the copy and paste crypto-js, please copy and paste the following sample script.

function myFunction() {
  var key = "sampleSecretKey";
  var value = "sampleMessage";

  var encryptedMessage = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(value, key).toString();
  var decryptedMessage = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(encryptedMessage, key).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);

  • When you run the function of myFunction(), the encrypted and decrypted values are returned.

Pattern 2:

In this pattern, "cCryptoGS" which is a Google Apps Script library is used.


1. Install Google Apps Script library:

The project key is MSJnPeIon6nzdLewGV60xWqi_d-phDA33 or 1IEkpeS8hsMSVLRdCMprij996zG6ek9UvGwcCJao_hlDMlgbWWvJpONrs. Both key is the same library.

Please install the GAS library using this project key.

2. Sample script:
function myFunction() {
  var key = "sampleSecretKey";
  var value = "sampleMessage";

  var cipher = new cCryptoGS.Cipher(key, 'aes');
  var encryptedMessage = cipher.encrypt(value);
  var decryptedMessage = cipher.decrypt(encryptedMessage);

  Logger.log (encryptedMessage);
  Logger.log (decryptedMessage);
  • When you run the function of myFunction, the encrypted and decrypted values are returned.


  • crypto-js at GitHub
  • crypto-js at CDN
  • CryptoJS libraries for Google Apps Script
  • Libraries
  • cCryptoGS

If this was not the direction you want, I apologize.

