Can't add modules to installed Unity editors

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2020-12-30 07:56:59


I'm trying to add the Android SDK Module to an Editor that I have installed on my PC.

I've looked it up online and the guide available here states that there should be an "Add Modules" option available from the menu but it is absent from the menu when I open it in my Unity Hub:


I got strait solution for this issue

No reinstall require. No redownload require. One click Restore all unity editors including Modules.

  1. Remove Unity editor from the hub.
  2. Go to Unity hub setting.
  3. From General tab you will find the default editors path.
  4. Locate the path and hit save.
  5. Enjoy. :)

enter image description here


I've solved the issue by reinstalling the Unity Editor version I was using via the Unity Hub.

It seems that Unity Hub doesn't have the option to add modules to Unity Editor versions which have been installed using the Unity Installer instead of Unity Hub itself.

It is worth pointing out that Brian Choi's answer is a valid workaround, however I wanted to use the modules functionality of Unity Hub.


  1. Press three dots
  2. Remove from hub
  3. Go to
  4. Press unity installer
  5. After this it will show message "You already have this unity version installed"
  6. Now this Add modules option will appear.


  1. Run UnityEditor
  2. open menu 'Unity/Preferences/External Tools'
  3. There is menu for Android SDK, and buttons to download sdk.


You can give any tools with this:

  1. Install Unity Hub.

  2. Run Unity Hub.

  3. Go to this page: screen shot

  4. Then click on the Unity Hub.

  5. In the next level you can select your tools and give them.


Visiting the release notes for an old version provides direct download links to the individual build modules, example:

  1. Go the download archive:
  2. Find your version
  3. Click "Release Notes"
  4. All downloads sorted by editor platform (Windows editor + Mac editor) should be linked


  1. Best way to manage Unity modules is using Unity Hub. As Don Andre post reinstalling Unity.
  2. For those Unity version can't installed from Unity Hub, you can only use Unity installer.

Some Tips for second way:

  • Install all required modules at once. Because you can only re-install Unity but not modify, it's a waste of time.
  • After locate installed Unity in Unity Hub, you can't modify modules, so you can't modify modules or install Android SDK or NDK. I recommend download SDK & NDK outside, and open menu 'Edit/Preferences/External Tools', set SDK & NDK path.
  • You can found Android NDK requirement from here:

  • NDK download link:


Here are our real options.

  1. Completely remove everything with unity and then install the last version of 2018 before they make using that without the crap hub impossible and just never update it.
  2. Get rid of it completely and, use a competitor's product and deal with the learning curve,
  3. Congratulate Unity for destroying their own product and going backwards and never use their stuff ever again.

I have been a long time user and I and others were going to create a community of gamers and indie developers for a joint volunteer project. With this crap a lot of us are now considering Unreal because Unity has tanked us, ignored us, and claim fixes that are not fixed for the last damn time.


For me, it's slightly different from Nek0pi

  1. Remove Unity from Hub
  2. go to unity archive (
  3. in the website, click Unity Hub button next to Unity version that you're looking for (in my case its Unity 2019.3.13)
  4. Unity Hub will pop up and let you add any modules you want in that selected version.

After all those steps, next time you clicked on the three dots, it'll show Add Modules option.

this image


Confirm your Unity editor is in the right folder location, (check below), and you should normally see a link to add modules on clicking the three dots for your install on Unity Hub afterwards.

The typical location on each OS will be;


C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe


C:\Program Files\Unity<version>\Editor\Unity.exe





Read more


Non of above answers worked for me. The answer is here:

  1. first locate your editor from unityhub
  2. quit from unityhub completely
  3. go to this path:


  1. find this file: editors.json
  2. locate the line of your desired version :

{"2019.4.15f1":{"version":"2019.4.15f1", . . .

  1. At the end of this line change "manual":true to "manual":false
  2. reopen unityhub again and enjoy!


For just a beta version you can simply add the module :-

  1. Open unity hub
  2. Go to installs
  3. Click on the three dots on your beta version
  4. Click on add modules
  5. Check the required module
  6. Agree for the terms and condition
  7. Install

There you go

