I have a Go API built using the Gin framework.
Reading the docs in the testing section here, i tried to implement something similar:
package main
import (
func setupMainRoutes(engine *gin.Engine) {
engine.GET("/mesg/:language/services", routes.AllServices)
engine.GET("/mesg/:language/service/:id", routes.OneService)
engine.GET("/mesg/:language/services/search", routes.SearchService)
func setupErrorRoutes(engine *gin.Engine) {
func setupServer() *gin.Engine {
// Gin Mode
// Creates the Gin Engine
engine := gin.New()
// Setup the API Routes
// Setup Error Routes
// Return engine
return engine
func main() {
// Run the engine
package main
import (
/************** Error Handling Tests **************/
func TestPing404Errors1Of3(t *testing.T) {
router := setupServer()
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
router.ServeHTTP(w, req)
assert.Equal(t, 404, w.Code)
Since i have to use the same package main to access the setupServer() function, i am running into issues when deploying my API to digital ocean. The build is failing. If i change the package name to another, it deploys successfully but then my unit testing won't run.
I want to be able to deploy my app and also keep my unit tests.
Digital Ocean just says "Build Failed"
I ran into the same issues when deploying on Heroku but i could alleviate this by creating a .slugignore and put the test files in there so that Heroku can ignore these.
Can someone provide a fix to that ?