I am using PHP to upload image to firebase storage. the picture is being uploaded but it is not being accessible as i have to manually create " access token " to make it accessible. here is the code im using
$bucketName = "example.appspot.com";
$objectName = 'Photos/test.jpeg';
$storage = new StorageClient();
$bucket = $storage->bucket($bucketName);
$object = $bucket->upload(fopen('sign.jpeg', 'r'),
'name' => $objectName
That is indeed working as expected: since your upload is not going through a Firebase SDK, there is not method to generate a download URL.
The common workaround is to create a signed URL with an expiration time far into the future, which is the closest equivalent that Cloud Storage has to Firebase's download URL.
In addition to @Frank's answer, you could also assign the publicRead
ACL to the uploaded file and compose the public URL manually:
$bucketName = "example.appspot.com";
$objectName = 'Photos/test.jpeg';
$storage = new StorageClient();
$bucket = $storage->bucket($bucketName);
$object = $bucket->upload(fopen('sign.jpeg', 'r'), [
'name' => $objectName
'predefinedAcl' => 'publicRead'
$publicUrl = "https://{$bucket->name()}.storage.googleapis.com/{$object->name()}";
I have made an indirect way to generate and store the access token.
$payload = file_get_contents('https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/example.appspot.com/o/Photos%2Fpic.jpeg');
$data = json_decode($payload);
echo $data->downloadTokens;
This code has created the access token and it shows the downloadToken on screen.
Thank you everyone for your answers.