Component which apply default parameters to other component

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2020-12-13 04:35:06


I am using Blazorise, which provide multiple base components such as <Button>, with multiple parameters. I would like to create a simple component which would render a <Button> with one or two parameters hard-coded (such as Color="Colors.Primary") and then pass the rest of the parameters onto the <Button>.

This is what I would like to be able to write:

<PrimaryButton Outline>Text</Button>

I would like to achieve this without having to manually set all parameters available from <Button> in PrimaryButton.razor. I have been looking for a way to do this for some time but can't find anything. Is It even possible?

I already tried inheriting from Button and writing <Button @attributes="@Attributes" Color="Colors.Primary"> but the implicit parameters are discarded.


I think you still have to pass them as parameters by adding them to your custom component. For instance you could do a button with Color and Outline set but pass on the Block parameter.

/* PrimaryButton.razor */
<Button Color="Color.Primary" Outline="true" Block="@Block">@ChildContent</Button>

@code {
  [Parameter] public bool Block { get; set;}
  [Parameter] public RenderFragment ChildContent { get; set; }

You could then use that new component as

<PrimaryButton Block="true">Some Text</PrimaryButton>


You can use "Attribute Splatting" for this

suppose your Base Component is defined

<h1>Base Component</h1>
<div>Param1 = @Param1</div>
<div>Param2 = @Param2</div>
    [Parameter] public string Param1 { get; set; }
    [Parameter] public string Param2 { get; set; }

And you want to pre-populate Param1, so you create a new MyComponent

<BaseComponent Param1="predefined" @attributes=Attributes/>
  public Dictionary<string,object> Attributes { get; set; }       

Now, you can use MyComponent in place of BaseComponent, and if you do not supply a value for Param1, it will be predefined (literally that value in this case)

So this markup:

<BaseComponent Param1="base" Param2="component"/>

<MyComponent Param1="my" Param2="component"/>

<MyComponent Param2="component"/>

Produces this output:

Base Component

Param1 = base Param2 = component

Base Component

Param1 = my Param2 = component

Base Component

Param1 = predefined Param2 = component

See a live sample on BlazorRepl :

