I can't seem to figure out something getting V8 started up. I have this code:
if (!_V8Initialized)
v8::V8::InitializeExternalStartupData("x86\\"); // (this loads ok, I checked)
auto platform = v8::platform::CreateDefaultPlatform();
_V8Initialized = true;
auto params = Isolate::CreateParams();
params.array_buffer_allocator = ArrayBuffer::Allocator::NewDefaultAllocator();
_Isolate = Isolate::New(params);
But I get this error:
Exception thrown at 0x0000000000000000 in V8.Net.Console.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x0000000000000000.
v8_libbase.dll!v8::base::OS::Abort() Line 832 C++ v8_libbase.dll!V8_Fatal(const char * file, int line, const char * format, ...) Line 74 C++ v8.dll!v8::internal::SnapshotData::SnapshotData(const v8::internal::Vector snapshot) Line 28 C++ v8.dll!v8::internal::Snapshot::Initialize(v8::internal::Isolate * isolate) Line 43 C++ v8.dll!v8::Isolate::New(const v8::Isolate::CreateParams & params) Line 8237 C++ V8_Net_Proxy_x64.dll!V8EngineProxy::V8EngineProxy(bool enableDebugging, void()() debugMessageDispatcher, int debugPort) Line 89 C++ V8_Net_Proxy_x64.dll!CreateV8EngineProxy(bool enableDebugging, void()() debugMessageDispatcher, int debugPort) Line 19 C++ [Managed to Native Transition]
V8.Net.dll!V8.Net.V8Engine.V8Engine() Line 246 C# V8.Net.Console.exe!V8.Net.Program.Main(string[] args) Line 31 C# [Native to Managed Transition]
mscoreei.dll!00007ffdbdd281ad() Unknown mscoree.dll!00007ffdbddc10ab() Unknown kernel32.dll!00007ffdd3868364() Unknown ntdll.dll!00007ffdd5ef70d1() Unknown
It seems to be failing here:
explicit SnapshotData(const Vector<const byte> snapshot)
: SerializedData(const_cast<byte*>(snapshot.begin()), snapshot.length()) {
I followed the source code here (for the most part): https://chromium.googlesource.com/v8/v8/+/branch-heads/4.8/samples/hello-world.cc
... but I'm not sure why it seems I'm getting a null error. I must be missing something...
Nevermind, I always seem to figure things out AFTER posting to SO, lol. It turns out I was loading from the x86 directory and not the x64 directory (which I should have guess given the V8_Net_Proxy_x64.dll! lol).
I was going to delete the question, but I'll leave this here anyhow in case someone else falls into this in the middle of the night half asleep. ;)