

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2021-02-20 11:46:29
相信你也和我一样,很想支持正版,可是一打开官网,看下价格~ 哎!一分钱难倒英雄汉!!! 等自己学好技术赚到钱了一定买正版支持!! 博主会长期更新Jet_Brains全家桶的激活码,如果失效,欢迎留言私信或者联系文末公众号! EFM5ESULZQ-eyJsaWNlbnNlSWQiOiJFRk01RVNVTFpRIiwibGljZW5zZWVOYW1lIjoi5rC45LmF5r

Does a Javascript closure retain the entire parent lexical environment or only the subset of values the closure references? [duplicate]

别来无恙 提交于 2021-02-20 10:21:21
问题 This question already has answers here : About closure, LexicalEnvironment and GC (3 answers) Closed 1 year ago . Consider the following example: function makeFunction() { let x = 3; let s = "giant string, 100 MB in size"; return () => { console.log(x); }; } // Are both x and s held in memory here // or only x, because only x was referred to by the closure returned // from makeFunction? let made = makeFunction(); // Suppose there are no further usages of makeFunction after this point // Let's

Does a Javascript closure retain the entire parent lexical environment or only the subset of values the closure references? [duplicate]

北慕城南 提交于 2021-02-20 10:18:40
问题 This question already has answers here : About closure, LexicalEnvironment and GC (3 answers) Closed 1 year ago . Consider the following example: function makeFunction() { let x = 3; let s = "giant string, 100 MB in size"; return () => { console.log(x); }; } // Are both x and s held in memory here // or only x, because only x was referred to by the closure returned // from makeFunction? let made = makeFunction(); // Suppose there are no further usages of makeFunction after this point // Let's

How to scrape JavaScript rendered Website by R?

谁都会走 提交于 2021-02-18 17:48:07
问题 Just wanna ask if there is any good approach to scrape the website below? https://list.jd.com/list.html?cat=737,794,798&page=1&sort=sort_rank_asc&trans=1&JL=6_0_0#J_main Basically I want to get the name and price of all products However, the price info is stored in some JQuery scripts Is Selenium the only solution? Thought of using V8 / Jsonlite, but it seems that they are not applicable. It'd be great if you can offer some alternatives in R. (Access to exe files is blocked in my computer, I

How does V8 optimise the creation of very large arrays?

戏子无情 提交于 2021-02-18 15:08:03
问题 Recently, I had to work on optimising a task that involved the creation of really large arrays (~ 10⁸ elements). I tested a few different methods, and, according to jsperf, the following option seemed to be the fastest. var max = 10000000; var arr = new Array(max); for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) { arr[i] = true; } Which was ~ 85% faster than var max = 10000000; var arr = []; for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) { arr.push(true); } And indeed, the first snippet was much faster in my actual app as well

How does V8 optimise the creation of very large arrays?

天涯浪子 提交于 2021-02-18 15:06:54
问题 Recently, I had to work on optimising a task that involved the creation of really large arrays (~ 10⁸ elements). I tested a few different methods, and, according to jsperf, the following option seemed to be the fastest. var max = 10000000; var arr = new Array(max); for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) { arr[i] = true; } Which was ~ 85% faster than var max = 10000000; var arr = []; for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) { arr.push(true); } And indeed, the first snippet was much faster in my actual app as well

How does V8 optimise the creation of very large arrays?

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2021-02-18 15:06:13
问题 Recently, I had to work on optimising a task that involved the creation of really large arrays (~ 10⁸ elements). I tested a few different methods, and, according to jsperf, the following option seemed to be the fastest. var max = 10000000; var arr = new Array(max); for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) { arr[i] = true; } Which was ~ 85% faster than var max = 10000000; var arr = []; for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) { arr.push(true); } And indeed, the first snippet was much faster in my actual app as well

Does nodejs/V8 store compiled machine code anywhere on disk?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2021-02-18 10:46:12
问题 Edit : Node uses bytecode since Node 8.3, before that, sources were compiled directly to machine code. I do a lot of Python coding, and there's always bytecode lying around in .pyc files. I was wondering if node stores its machine code in similar files, eg it would make sense to keep the machine code representation around on disk and re-use it if a file's source is unchanged. If so, where does node/v8 store this machine code? Edit 2 : As @dystroy mentions below this is a dupe of How can I see

Is it normal for Node.js' RSS (Resident Set Size) to grow with each request, until reaching some cap?

孤人 提交于 2021-02-18 10:21:30
问题 I've noticed that RSS (Resident Set Size) of my node.js app is growing over time, and considering I'm having a "JS Object Allocation Failed - Out of Memory" error on my server, it seems a likely cause. I set up the following very simple Node app: var express = require('express'); var app = express(); app.get('/',function(req,res,next){ res.end(JSON.stringify(process.memoryUsage())); }); app.listen(8888); By simply holding down the "refresh" hotkey @ http:// localhost:8888/ I can watch the RSS


99封情书 提交于 2021-02-17 19:03:00
Nodejs是JavaScript的运行环境,它让 Java Script 可以开发后端程序,实现几乎其他后端 Node.js 是一个 Javascript 运行环境 (runtime) 可以与 PHP、 JSP、 Python、 Ruby 等后端语言平起平坐。 Nodejs 是基于 V8 引擎, V8 是 Google 发布的开源 JavaScript 引擎,本身就是用于 Chrome 浏览器 的 JS 解释部分,但是 Ryan Dahl 把这个 V8 搬到了服务器上,用于做服务器的软件。 优势: 1.NodeJs 语法完全是 js 语法   懂 JS 基础就可以学会 Nodejs 后端开发。成本。Node 打破了过去 JavaScript 只能在浏览器中运行的局面。前后端编程环境统一,可以大大降低开发 2.NodeJs 超强的高并发能力。   Node.js 的首要目标是提供一种简单的、用于创建高性能服务器及可在该服务器中运行的各种应用程 序的开发工具。首先让我们来看一下现在的服务器端语言中存在着什么问题。在 Java、PHP 或者.net等服务器端语言中,会为每一个客户端连接创建一个新的线程。而每个线程需要耗费大约 2MB 内存理论上, 一个 8GB 内存的服务器可以同时连接的最大用户数为 4000个左右 。要让 Web 应用程序支持更多的用户,就 需要增加服务器的数量,而