Load and run test a .trt model

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-12-06 18:54:05


I need to run my model in NVIDIA JETSON T2, So I converted my working yoloV3 model into tensorRT(.trt format)(https://towardsdatascience.com/have-you-optimized-your-deep-learning-model-before-deployment-cdc3aa7f413d)This link mentioned helped me to convert the Yolo model into .trt .But after converting the model to .trt model I needed to test if it works fine (i.e) If the detection is good enough. I couldn't find any sample code for loading and testing .trt model. If anybody can help me , please pull up a sample code in the answer section or any link for reference.


You can load and perform the inference of your TRT Model using this snippet of code. This is executed in Tensorflow 2.1.0 and Google Colab Environment.

from tensorflow.python.compiler.tensorrt import trt_convert as trt
from tensorflow.python.saved_model import tag_constants

saved_model_loaded = tf.saved_model.load(output_saved_model_dir, tags=[tag_constants.SERVING])
signature_keys = list(saved_model_loaded.signatures.keys())
print(signature_keys) # Outputs : ['serving_default']

graph_func = saved_model_loaded.signatures[signature_keys[0]]
graph_func(x_test) # Use this to perform inference

output_saved_model_dir is the location of your TensorRT Optimized model in SavedModel format.

From here, you can add your testing methods to determine the performance of your pre and post-processed model.


import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.compiler.tensorrt import trt_convert as trt
import numpy as np 

conversion_params = trt.DEFAULT_TRT_CONVERSION_PARAMS
conversion_params = conversion_params._replace(max_workspace_size_bytes=(1<<32))
conversion_params = conversion_params._replace(precision_mode="FP16")
conversion_params = conversion_params._replace(maximum_cached_engines=100)

converter = trt.TrtGraphConverterV2(



Here are the codes used for Converting and Saving the Tensorflow RT Optimized model.

