I would like to change the color of the Android navigation bar on the web when I add the page on the Android home screen (Progessive Web App) but when I open the PWA, the color of the Android navigation bar is black and I want Change the color to white. In the manifest, you can change the color of the theme and I do, but still follow the color black.
Is it possible to do that?
I mean the Android navigation bar, not the notification bar.
I upload the image in dropbox because Stack Overflow say that I need more reputation I hope it is not inconvenient: https://www.dropbox.com/s/94vxuqoxlwjgcu7/IMG_20191007_093147.jpg?dl=0
As far as I know it is currently not a PWA supported feature.
You can add a meta tag to your HTML page.
<meta name="theme-color" content="#225577"/>
The color of the navigation bar doesn't work with dark theme. Change to light theme and it will work.
manifest.json -> "background_color": "#000000"