I'm using jpountz LZ4 to try and compress files and I want to read in and output files using Java file input and output streams. I've tried to find a solution online but theres nothing, I found a previous stackoverflow question on how to implement LZ4 correctly and I've taken that and tried to modify it to use the streams, but I'm not sure if this is correct or if it's even working.
When running the compression on a text file it outputs a file which has some characters missing or replaced with symbols
ðHello world Heðo world Hello ðrld Hello worlðHello worl
but when running it with a image file it throws an out of bounds error. I've also been unable to get decompression to work as it throws a Error decoding offset 3 of input buffer.
Here is my code any help would be appreciated thanks
public void LZ4Compress(InputStream in, OutputStream out){
int noBytesRead = 0; //number of bytes read from input
int noBytesProcessed = 0; //number of bytes processed
try {
while ((noBytesRead = in.read(inputBuffer)) >= 0) {
noBytesProcessed = inputBuffer.length;
decompressedLength = inputBuffer.length;
outputBuffer = compress(inputBuffer, decompressedLength);
out.write(outputBuffer, 0, noBytesRead);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public void LZ4decompress(InputStream in, OutputStream out){
int noBytesRead = 0; //number of bytes read from input
try {
while((noBytesRead = in.read(inputBuffer)) >= 0){
noBytesProcessed = inputBuffer.length;
outputBuffer = decompress(inputBuffer);
out.write(outputBuffer, 0, noBytesRead);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public static byte[] compress(byte[] src, int srcLen) {
decompressedLength = srcLen;
int maxCompressedLength = compressor.maxCompressedLength(decompressedLength);
byte[] compressed = new byte[maxCompressedLength];
int compressLen = compressor.compress(src, 0, decompressedLength, compressed, 0, maxCompressedLength);
byte[] finalCompressedArray = Arrays.copyOf(compressed, compressLen);
return finalCompressedArray;
private static LZ4SafeDecompressor decompressor = factory.safeDecompressor();
public static byte[] decompress(byte[] finalCompressedArray) {
byte[] restored = new byte[finalCompressedArray.length];
restored = decompressor.decompress(finalCompressedArray, finalCompressedArray.length);
return restored;
So I solved my problem by using LZ4block input/output streams
public static void LZ4compress(String filename, String lz4file){
byte[] buf = new byte[2048];
try {
String outFilename = lz4file;
LZ4BlockOutputStream out = new LZ4BlockOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outFilename), 32*1024*1024);
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(filename);
int len;
while((len = in.read(buf)) > 0){
out.write(buf, 0, len);
} catch (IOException e) {
public static void LZ4Uncompress(String lz4file, String filename){
byte[] buf = new byte[2048];
try {
String outFilename = filename;
LZ4BlockInputStream in = new LZ4BlockInputStream(new FileInputStream(lz4file));
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outFilename);
int len;
while((len = in.read(buf)) > 0){
out.write(buf, 0, len);
} catch (IOException e) {
Looking only at code, I would say you are going wrong here:
outputBuffer = compress(inputBuffer, decompressedLength);
out.write(outputBuffer, 0, noBytesRead);
You have already trimmed outputBuffer in compress. Try: