How do I calculate correlations between one column and all other columns in a data frame in R without using column names? I tried to use ddply and it works if I use just two column names i.e.
ddply(iris, ~Species, summarize, cormat=cor(Sepal.Length,Petal.Width))
But how to get correlations of column 1 with all other columns, broken down by Species, without using the column names?
Maybe like this? It produces a correlation matrix for each species.
by(iris[,1:4], iris$Species, cor)
You can do this with dplyr using
cormat_res <- iris %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
do(cormat = cor(select(., -matches("Species"))))
> cormat_res[[2]]
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
Sepal.Length 1.0000000 0.7425467 0.2671758 0.2780984
Sepal.Width 0.7425467 1.0000000 0.1777000 0.2327520
Petal.Length 0.2671758 0.1777000 1.0000000 0.3316300
Petal.Width 0.2780984 0.2327520 0.3316300 1.0000000
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
Sepal.Length 1.0000000 0.5259107 0.7540490 0.5464611
Sepal.Width 0.5259107 1.0000000 0.5605221 0.6639987
Petal.Length 0.7540490 0.5605221 1.0000000 0.7866681
Petal.Width 0.5464611 0.6639987 0.7866681 1.0000000
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
Sepal.Length 1.0000000 0.4572278 0.8642247 0.2811077
Sepal.Width 0.4572278 1.0000000 0.4010446 0.5377280
Petal.Length 0.8642247 0.4010446 1.0000000 0.3221082
Petal.Width 0.2811077 0.5377280 0.3221082 1.0000000
As of
[1] ‘1.0.2’
The result of the code suggested in one of the answers returns a tibble
iris %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
do(cormat = cor(select(., -matches("Species"))))
# A tibble: 3 x 2
# Rowwise:
Species cormat
<fct> <list>
1 setosa <dbl[,4] [4 × 4]>
2 versicolor <dbl[,4] [4 × 4]>
3 virginica <dbl[,4] [4 × 4]>
To get the data into a rectangular shape, you can
iris_cor <- iris %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
do(cormat = cor(select(., -matches("Species")))) %>%
pull(cormat) %>% melt
You will have the levels of Species codified on L1
Var1 Var2 value L1
1 Sepal.Length Sepal.Length 1.0000000 1
2 Sepal.Width Sepal.Length 0.7425467 1
3 Petal.Length Sepal.Length 0.2671758 1
4 Petal.Width Sepal.Length 0.2780984 1
I am sure there's a cleaner way of doing this with unnest()
and its friends, but couldn't figure out yet. Hoping this gets noticed
and posts a better solution