I have a trajectory file from simulation of 20,000 frames with 5 ps time in between every frame, what I want to do is to calculate diffusion in 2 dimension (x and y axis). but to calculate diffusion in 2D, first I have to calculate Mean square displacement of the molecule under study. MSD calculates the average time taken by molecule to explore the system in random walks.
I am very new to python programming and I would really want some help to get started this problem and to solve this problem. Hope to get positive response.
Well the MSD is exactly as it sounds it is the mean square displacement so what you need to do is find the difference in the position (r(t + dt) -r(t)) for each position and then square it and finally take the mean. First you must find r from x and y which is easy enough. I am going to assume you are using numpy from here on out.
import numpy as np
r = np.sqrt(xdata**2 + ydata**2)
diff = np.diff(r) #this calculates r(t + dt) - r(t)
diff_sq = diff**2
MSD = np.mean(diff_sq)
Now this is the general way to calculate MSD then you can compare with things like Brownian motion where MSD = 4Dt approximately in 2 dimensions.