Android Studio missing essential plugin

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-11-26 06:59:08


I have just updated to Android Studio 4.1 Canary 9, but I am getting the following error:

Missing essential plugin:

Please reinstall Android Studio from scratch.

I've tried reinstalling Android Studio from scratch, as the error says, but nothing changes.

Thank you very much for the help ;).


Just delete this file:



For Windows users.


Deleting this file will fix the issue.

More detailed information.


On Mac OS

  1. Open /Users//Library/Preferences/AndroidStudio4.0/codestyles
  2. delete disabled_plugins.txt
  3. restart Android Studio


For Windows users

C:\Users\Admin[if you have username].AndroidStudio4.0\config

There you can find disabled _plugins.txt delete it and restart android studio


I'm using Linux Ubuntu 18.04 and Android Studio 4.0 and I found disabled_plugins.txt file in this directory:


and after that I found I've put Kotlin plugin at the end of file. Just remove that line, Android Studio will work. By the way, on any other OS, you can find your file just by searching disabled_plugins.txt.


As the Known Issues section of the Android Studio 4.1 Preview page notes, if you are getting this error in Android Studio 4.1 Canary 9, it means that you have a locally installed Kotlin plugin that is not compatible with the new IDE.

To resolve it, you should delete the Kotlin folder from the following locations (from the above linked page), depending on your operating system:

Linux: ~/.local/share/Google/AndroidStudioPreview4.1

Windows: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Google\AndroidStudioPreview4.1

macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/AndroidStudioPreview4.1

For Linux and macOS, ~ refers to your home directory, and a directory can be removed from the command line (Terminal) with rm -rf directory_name_here.

There is no need to install a replacement Kotlin plugin, as it is bundled in that version of Android Studio.


I'm using Android Studio 4.0 from homebrew. And delete this



On Linux (Fedora release 30), the issue happened after I wanted to disable Kotlin features during installation. I could resolve it by removing configure files:

rm -r ~/.config/Google/AndroidStudio4.1

Or just remove the disabled_plugins.txt file:

rm  ~/.config/Google/AndroidStudio4.1/disabled_plugins.txt

Sometimes you are compelled to re-extract your android-studio on your Linux machine. Notice that removing ~/.local/share/Google/AndroidStudio4.1/ directory did not help me.


On Linux with Android Studio 4.1

it was another path for me, maybe this the new format?



only windows user try this it works for me I am Deleting this file disabled_plugins.txt



Removing these from disabled_plugins.txt fixes the issue if you have disabled some of the plugins. Instead of adding back all the plugins, specify the plugins to enable:

groovy, smali, kotlin, junit // (i.e: Enable these)

