This question have been asked many times in SO but none of the answers is satisfying to my situation.
I am dealing with a DataObjectVersions
table that contains multiple versions for around 1.2 million unique objects (and increasing). I need to concatenate changes from a specific field for each unique object.
Right now I am using the solution with the XML Path presented in Q3 but running such a query on this table is a total performance disaster. SQL Server started to retun Data after 19mn. Knowing that this data will be than joined twice, you can imagine the impact.
I am looking for the most efficient scalability-aware way to concatenate the values of the same fields of different rows grouped by an other field (which is not of course a key). To be more precise, this is used within a view in a Datawarehouse.
I tried to simplify the description but here is a complete overview I have multiple tables with the following columns
[ID] [CreatedTime] [CreatedBy] [DeletedTime] [DeletedBy] [ResourceId] [AccountId] [Type]
A view is used to return the union of all records from all tables, which will still return the same columns (described in my questions by the versions table). [ResourceId]
and [AccountId]
are a unique composite identifier of an object (Group membership, System account, etc.. a resource assignment specifically). The [Type]
is used to identify different levels (like Read/Write/Execute in the case of a file assignment)
All other fields contain the same values (in different tables) for different unique objects. I need to get the objects and concatenate the values of the [Type]
column. All the row are processed afterward and the ([ResourceId]
) combination must be unique (not the case when different types exists).
I am using this function:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetUniqueType]
@ResourceId as uniqueidentifier,
@Account as uniqueidentifier
RETURNS nvarchar(100)
return STUFF((select ',' + raType.Type from vwAllAssignments raType where raType.AccountId = @Account and raType.ResourceId = @ResourceId and raType.DeletedBy is null for xml path('')), 1,1,'')
is the view returning the union of all tables rows.
Finally I am selecting
SELECT [CreatedTime]
,dbo.GetUniqueType([ResourceId],[AccountId]) AS [Type]
FROM vwAllAssignments
GROUP BY [ResourceId], [AccountId], [CreatedTime], [DeletedTime], [DeletedBy]
Try this:
SELECT [CreatedTime]
,STUFF((select ',' + raType.Type
from vwAllAssignments raType
where raType.AccountId = vwAllAssignments.AccountId and
raType.ResourceId = vwAllAssignments.ResourceId and
raType.DeletedBy is null
for xml path('')), 1,1,'') AS [Type]
FROM vwAllAssignments
GROUP BY [ResourceId], [AccountId], [CreatedTime], [DeletedTime], [DeletedBy]
And an index like this should be helpful.
create index IX_vwAllAssignments on vwAllAssignments(AccountId, ResourceId, DeletedBy) include(Type)