
时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-11-16 04:23:10



  快速傅里叶变换(Fast Fourier Transform)是离散傅里叶变换的一种快速算法,简称FFT,通过FFT可以将一个信号从时域变换到频域。模拟信号经过A/D转换变为数字信号的过程称为采样。为保证采样后信号的频谱形状不失真,采样频率必须大于信号中最高频率成分的2倍,这称之为采样定理。

  A fast Fourier transform (FFT) is an algorithm that computes the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of a sequence, or its inverse (IDFT). Fourier analysis converts a signal from its original domain (often time or space) to a representation in the frequency domain and vice versa. The DFT is obtained by decomposing a sequence of values into components of different frequencies. This operation is useful in many fields, but computing it directly from the definition is often too slow to be practical. An FFT rapidly computes such transformations by factorizing the DFT matrix into a product of sparse (mostly zero) factors. As a result, it manages to reduce the complexity of computing the DFT from {\displaystyle O(n^{2})}O(n^{2}), which arises if one simply applies the definition of DFT, to {\displaystyle O(n\log n)}O(n\log n), where {\displaystyle n}n is the data size. The difference in speed can be enormous, especially for long data sets where N may be in the thousands or millions. In the presence of round-off error, many FFT algorithms are much more accurate than evaluating the DFT definition directly. There are many different FFT algorithms based on a wide range of published theories, from simple complex-number arithmetic to group theory and number theory.

Fast Fourier transforms are widely used for applications in engineering, science, and mathematics. The basic ideas were popularized in 1965, but some algorithms had been derived as early as 1805. In 1994, Gilbert Strang described the FFT as "the most important numerical algorithm of our lifetime", and it was included in Top 10 Algorithms of 20th Century by the IEEE magazine Computing in Science & Engineering.

The best-known FFT algorithms depend upon the factorization of N, but there are FFTs with O(N log N) complexity for all N, even for prime N. Many FFT algorithms only depend on the fact that {\displaystyle e^{-2\pi i/N}}{\displaystyle e^{-2\pi i/N}} is an N-th primitive root of unity, and thus can be applied to analogous transforms over any finite field, such as number-theoretic transforms. Since the inverse DFT is the same as the DFT, but with the opposite sign in the exponent and a 1/N factor, any FFT algorithm can easily be adapted for it.




#include "..\TKIT_Header\TKIT.h"
/* Layer specfication ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        F(ω) = Fourier[f(t)] = Integral{ f(t)*e^-iwt*dt}
-- Fast Fourier Transform
-- and
-- Inverse Fast Fourier Transform
-- 基础知识点:
   采用频率, Fs

-- 采样获取到数字信号后,就可以对其做FFT变换了。N个采样点,经过FFT之后,可以得到N个点的FFT结果,这N个点是以复数

-- FFT后的N点,具有以下几个物理含义:
    2' FFT能分辨的频率是:Fs/N,列如,Fs=50,采样1秒钟,进行FFT,那么FFT所识别的频率是1HZ,同样是Fs=50,采样两
    3' 由于采样频率是数字信号频率的两倍及以上,所以我们只需要前N/2个结果即可,从FFT的特性上来看,FFT后N个点是对称

-- 采样数据:将ADC采样的数据按自然序列放在s的实部,虚部为0

-- 假设采样频率为fs,采样点数为N,那么FFT结果就是一个N点的复数,每一个点就对应着一个频率点,
   0,1k/128,2k/128,3k/128,,,,127k/128 Hz

-- 这个频率点的幅值为:该点复数的模值除以N/2(n=1时是直流分量,其幅值是该点的模值除以N)。


#define REALIMG(x)  sqrt(FFT_Buffer[x].real*FFT_Buffer[x].real + FFT_Buffer[x].imag*FFT_Buffer[x].imag)  

int             N_FFT=0;                //傅里叶变换的点数  
int             M_of_N_FFT=0;           //蝶形运算的级数,N = 2^M  
int             Npart2_of_N_FFT=0;      //创建正弦函数表时取PI的1/2  
int             Npart4_of_N_FFT=0;      //创建正弦函数表时取PI的1/4  
typedef float   ElemType;               //原始数据序列的数据类型,可以在这里设置  
typedef struct                          //定义复数结构体  
    ElemType real,imag;  

ElemType*       FFT_BufferSin=NULL;  

void CREATE_SIN_TABLE(void)  
    int i=0;  
    for (i=0; i<=Npart4_of_N_FFT; i++)  
        FFT_BufferSin[i] = sin(PI*i/Npart2_of_N_FFT);//SIN_TABLE[i] = sin(PI2*i/N);  
ElemType Sin_find(ElemType x)  
    int i = (int)(N_FFT*x);
    i = i>>1;
    if (i>Npart4_of_N_FFT)
        i = Npart2_of_N_FFT - i;
    return FFT_BufferSin[i];  
ElemType Cos_find(ElemType x)  
    int i = (int)(N_FFT*x);  
    i = i>>1;  
    if (i<Npart4_of_N_FFT)
        return FFT_BufferSin[Npart4_of_N_FFT - i];  
        return -FFT_BufferSin[i - Npart4_of_N_FFT];  
void ExchangeLocation(TYPE_FFT *DataInput)  
    int nextValue,nextM,i,k,j=0;  
    TYPE_FFT temp;  

    nextValue=N_FFT/2;              //变址运算,即把自然顺序变成倒位序,采用雷德算法  
    for (i=0;i<nextM;i++)  
        if (i<j)                    //如果i<j,即进行变址  
        k=nextValue;                //求j的下一个倒位序  
        while (k<=j)                //如果k<=j,表示j的最高位为1  
            j=j-k;                  //把最高位变成0  
            k=k/2;                  //k/2,比较次高位,依次类推,逐个比较,直到某个位为0  
        j=j+k;                      //把0改为1  
void Alg_FFT(void)  
    int L=0,B=0,J=0,K=0;  
    int step=0, KB=0;
    ElemType angle;  
    TYPE_FFT W,Temp_XX;  

    for (L=1; L<=M_of_N_FFT; L++)  
        step = 1<<L;//2^L  
        B = step>>1;//B=2^(L-1)  
        for (J=0; J<B; J++)  
            //P = (1<<(M-L))*J;//P=2^(M-L) *J  
            angle = (double)J/B;
            W.imag =  -Sin_find(angle);     //用C++该函数课声明为inline  
            W.real =   Cos_find(angle);     //用C++该函数课声明为inline  
            //W.real =  cos(angle*PI);  
            //W.imag = -sin(angle*PI);  
            for (K=J; K<N_FFT; K=K+step)  
                KB = K + B;
                Temp_XX.real = FFT_Buffer[KB].real * W.real-FFT_Buffer[KB].imag*W.imag;  
                Temp_XX.imag = W.imag*FFT_Buffer[KB].real + FFT_Buffer[KB].imag*W.real;  
                FFT_Buffer[KB].real = FFT_Buffer[K].real - Temp_XX.real;  
                FFT_Buffer[KB].imag = FFT_Buffer[K].imag - Temp_XX.imag;  
                FFT_Buffer[K].real  = FFT_Buffer[K].real + Temp_XX.real;  
                FFT_Buffer[K].imag  = FFT_Buffer[K].imag + Temp_XX.imag;  
void Alg_IFFT(void)  
    int L=0,B=0,J=0,K=0;  
    int step=0, KB=0;  

    ElemType angle;  
    TYPE_FFT W,Temp_XX;  


    for (L=1; L<=M_of_N_FFT; L++)  
        step = 1<<L;//2^L  
        B = step>>1;//B=2^(L-1)  
        for (J=0; J<B; J++)  
            //P = (1<<(M-L))*J;//P=2^(M-L) *J  
            angle = (double)J/B;
            W.imag =   Sin_find(angle);     //用C++该函数课声明为inline  
            W.real =   Cos_find(angle);     //用C++该函数课声明为inline  
            //W.real =  cos(angle*PI);  
            //W.imag = -sin(angle*PI);  
            for (K=J; K<N_FFT; K=K+step)  
                KB = K + B;
                Temp_XX.real = FFT_Buffer[KB].real * W.real-FFT_Buffer[KB].imag*W.imag;  
                Temp_XX.imag = W.imag*FFT_Buffer[KB].real + FFT_Buffer[KB].imag*W.real;  

                FFT_Buffer[KB].real = FFT_Buffer[K].real - Temp_XX.real;  
                FFT_Buffer[KB].imag = FFT_Buffer[K].imag - Temp_XX.imag;  

                FFT_Buffer[K].real  = FFT_Buffer[K].real + Temp_XX.real;  
                FFT_Buffer[K].imag  = FFT_Buffer[K].imag + Temp_XX.imag;  
//N_FFT是 FFT的点数,必须是2的次方  
void Alg_FFTStart(int N_of_FFT)  
    int i=0;  
    int temp=1;
    N_FFT = N_of_FFT;               //傅里叶变换的点数 ,必须是 2的次方  
    M_of_N_FFT = 0;                 //蝶形运算的级数,N = 2^M  
    for (i=0; temp<N_FFT; i++)  
        temp = 2*temp;  
    Npart2_of_N_FFT = N_FFT/2;      //创建正弦函数表时取PI的1/2  
    Npart4_of_N_FFT = N_FFT/4;      //创建正弦函数表时取PI的1/4  

    FFT_Buffer    = (TYPE_FFT_PTR)malloc(N_FFT * sizeof(TYPE_FFT));   
    FFT_BufferSin = (ElemType   *)malloc((Npart4_of_N_FFT+1) * sizeof(ElemType));  

    CREATE_SIN_TABLE();             //创建正弦函数表  
//结束 FFT运算,释放相关内存  
void Alg_FFTFinish(void)  
    if (FFT_Buffer != NULL)  
        free(FFT_Buffer);          //释放内存  
        FFT_Buffer = NULL;  
    if (FFT_BufferSin != NULL)  
        free(FFT_BufferSin);       //释放内存  
        FFT_BufferSin = NULL;  
void Alg_FFTInput(INT16U i, float real)
    if( i>=N_FFT )return;
    FFT_Buffer[i].real = real;
    FFT_Buffer[i].imag = 0;
float     Alg_FFTGetReal        (INT16U i)     //读取实部
    if( i<N_FFT )return FFT_Buffer[i].real;
    return 0.0;
float     Alg_FFTGetImag        (INT16U i)     //读取虚部
    if( i<N_FFT )return FFT_Buffer[i].imag;
    return 0.0;
float     Alg_FFTGet            (INT16U i)     //读取模值
    if( i<N_FFT )return REALIMG(i);
    return 0.0;
void Alg_FFTInputSimulate(float A,float B,float F, int F_Triangle)  
    int i,j,k;
    if( F_Triangle )
        F_Triangle = N_FFT/F_Triangle;
        printf("FFT create input data. real = -%d ~ %d \r\n",F_Triangle/2,F_Triangle/2 );
        j = 0;
        k = 0;
        for (i=0; i<N_FFT; i++ ,j++,k++)//制造输入序列  
            if( k>F_Triangle )k=0;
            if( j>=8 ){j=0;Printf("\r\n");}

            FFT_Buffer[i].real = F_Triangle/2 - k;
            FFT_Buffer[i].imag = 0;
            Printf("%5.2uf ",FFT_Buffer[i].real);  
        printf("FFT create input data. real = %.2f+%.2f*sin(%.2f*2*PI*i/N_FFT) \r\n",A,B,F);
        j = 0;
        for (i=0; i<N_FFT; i++ ,j++)//制造输入序列  
            if( j>=8 ){j=0;Printf("\r\n");}
            //FFT_Buffer[i].real = sin(PI2*i/N_FFT);
            FFT_Buffer[i].real = A+B*sin(F*PI2*i/N_FFT);
            FFT_Buffer[i].imag = 0;
            Printf("%5.2uf ",FFT_Buffer[i].real);  
void Alg_FFTDemo(float A,float B,float F, int F_Triangle)  
    #define FFT_TEST_LEN  64
    int   i = 0;
    int   j = 0;
    FP64  *x_array;
    FP64  *y_array;

    Printf("FFT demo welcome N=%d!\r\n",FFT_TEST_LEN);
    x_array = (FP64 *)malloc((FFT_TEST_LEN+1) * sizeof(FP64));
    y_array = (FP64 *)malloc((FFT_TEST_LEN+1) * sizeof(FP64));

    //Input 绘图
    for(i=0;i<N_FFT && i<FFT_TEST_LEN;i++)x_array[i] = FFT_Buffer[i].real;
    PrintPlot_XY("FFT Input function",TRUE ,x_array,NULL,N_FFT);

    //进行 FFT计算  
    Printf("Start  FFT:%3dticks.%3dus\r\n",TKIT_TicksGet(),TKIT_TimerCounter());
    Printf("Finish FFT:%3dticks.%3dus\r\n",TKIT_TicksGet(),TKIT_TimerCounter());
    for (i=0,j=0; i<N_FFT; i++,j++)  
        if( j>=8 ){j=0;Printf("\r\n");}
        Printf("%5.2uf ",REALIMG(i));
    //FFT 绘图
//     for(i=0;i<N_FFT && i<FFT_TEST_LEN;i++)x_array[i] = REALIMG(i);
//     PrintPlot_XY("Fast Fourier Transform.",TRUE ,x_array,NULL,N_FFT);
//     for(i=0;i<N_FFT && i<FFT_TEST_LEN;i++)
//     {
//         x_array[i] = FFT_Buffer[i].real;
//         y_array[i] = FFT_Buffer[i].imag;
//     }
//     //PrintPlot_XY("Fast Fourier Transform. fx=Real and fy=image",TRUE ,x_array,y_array,N_FFT);

    //FFT_Buffer[2].real = 0;
    //FFT_Buffer[2].imag = 0;

    //进行 IFFT计算  
    Printf("Start  IFFT:%3dticks.%3dus\r\n",TKIT_TicksGet(),TKIT_TimerCounter());
    Printf("Finish IFFT:%3dticks.%3dus\r\n",TKIT_TicksGet(),TKIT_TimerCounter());
    for (i=0,j=0; i<N_FFT; i++,j++)  
        if( j>=8 ){j=0;Printf("\r\n");}
        Printf("%5.2uf ",FFT_Buffer[i].real/N_FFT);
    //IFFT 绘图
    //for(i=0;i<N_FFT && i<FFT_TEST_LEN;i++)x_array[i] = FFT_Buffer[i].real/N_FFT;
    //PrintPlot_XY("Inverse Fast Fourier Transform",TRUE ,x_array,NULL,N_FFT);

    //结束 FFT运算,释放相关内存
    Printf("Close FFT\r\n");
#endif //TKIT_FFT_EN




FFT demo welcome N=64!
FFT create input data. real = 0.00+1.00*sin(3.00*2*PI*i/N_FFT) 
     0.00      0.29      0.55      0.77      0.92      0.99      0.98      0.88 
     0.70      0.47      0.19     -0.09     -0.38     -0.63     -0.83     -0.95 
    -1.00     -0.95     -0.83     -0.63     -0.38     -0.09      0.19      0.47 
     0.70      0.88      0.98      0.99      0.92      0.77      0.55      0.29 
     0.00     -0.29     -0.55     -0.77     -0.92     -0.99     -0.98     -0.88 
    -0.70     -0.47     -0.19      0.09      0.38      0.63      0.83      0.95 
     1.00      0.95      0.83      0.63      0.38      0.09     -0.19     -0.47 
    -0.70     -0.88     -0.98     -0.99     -0.92     -0.77     -0.55     -0.29

Start  FFT:914ticks.323us
Finish FFT:918ticks.135us
     0.00      0.00      0.00     32.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00 
     0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00 
     0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00 
     0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00 
     0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00 
     0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00 
     0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00 
     0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00     32.00      0.00      0.00 
Start  IFFT:979ticks.340us
Finish IFFT:983ticks. 34us
    -0.00      0.29      0.55      0.77      0.92      0.99      0.98      0.88 
     0.70      0.47      0.19     -0.09     -0.38     -0.63     -0.83     -0.95 
    -1.00     -0.95     -0.83     -0.63     -0.38     -0.09      0.19      0.47 
     0.70      0.88      0.98      0.99      0.92      0.77      0.55      0.29 
     0.00     -0.29     -0.55     -0.77     -0.92     -0.99     -0.98     -0.88 
    -0.70     -0.47     -0.19      0.09      0.38      0.63      0.83      0.95 
     1.00      0.95      0.83      0.63      0.38      0.09     -0.19     -0.47 
    -0.70     -0.88     -0.98     -0.99     -0.92     -0.77     -0.55     -0.29 
Close FFT



FFT demo welcome N=64!
FFT create input data. real = -10 ~ 10 
    10.00      9.00      8.00      7.00      6.00      5.00      4.00      3.00 
     2.00      1.00      0.00     -1.00     -2.00     -3.00     -4.00     -5.00 
    -6.00     -7.00     -8.00     -9.00    -10.00    -11.00     10.00      9.00 
     8.00      7.00      6.00      5.00      4.00      3.00      2.00      1.00 
     0.00     -1.00     -2.00     -3.00     -4.00     -5.00     -6.00     -7.00 
    -8.00     -9.00    -10.00    -11.00     10.00      9.00      8.00      7.00 
     6.00      5.00      4.00      3.00      2.00      1.00      0.00     -1.00 
    -2.00     -3.00     -4.00     -5.00     -6.00     -7.00     -8.00     -9.00

Start  FFT:987ticks.415us
Finish FFT:991ticks.145us
    12.00     21.72     31.67    215.34     20.06     28.69    104.73     19.24 
    28.86     66.57     17.84     29.42     46.54     16.11     30.04     33.77 
    14.14     30.61     24.65     11.95     31.10     17.63      9.53     31.48 
    11.95      6.88     31.77      7.18      3.99     31.94      3.11      1.06 
    32.00      1.06      3.11     31.94      3.99      7.18     31.77      6.88 
    11.95     31.48      9.53     17.63     31.10     11.95     24.65     30.61 
    14.14     33.77     30.04     16.11     46.54     29.42     17.84     66.57 
    28.86     19.24    104.73     28.69     20.06    215.34     31.67     21.72 
Start  IFFT:052ticks.511us
Finish IFFT:056ticks.103us
    10.00      9.00      7.99      6.99      6.00      4.99      3.99      2.99 
     1.99      0.99     -0.00     -1.00     -1.99     -2.99     -3.99     -5.00 
    -5.99     -6.99     -7.99     -9.00    -10.00    -11.00     10.00      8.99 
     8.00      6.99      5.99      5.00      3.99      2.99      1.99      1.00 
     0.00     -1.00     -1.99     -2.99     -3.99     -5.00     -5.99     -6.99 
    -8.00     -8.99    -10.00    -11.00     10.00      8.99      7.99      6.99 
     5.99      4.99      3.99      3.00      1.99      0.99      0.00     -0.99 
    -1.99     -3.00     -3.99     -5.00     -6.00     -6.99     -7.99     -8.99 
Close FFT

