Codeigniter _remap function

半腔热情 提交于 2019-11-27 21:29:11


Please help I want to use first URI segment into my CodeIgniter website.

Like when I open these url they opens my profile: or

How can I do this with CodeIgniter? I checked _remap function but first coming controller how to hide controller?


You can do this using the URL routing of codeigniter...

If you want your URL to be and you want it to refer to your_controller, then do the following.


$route['(.*)'] = "your_controller/$1"; // Now, `zarpio` will be passed to `your_controller`

You can access it in your controller like this...

$my_name = $this->uri->rsegment(2);

However I do not suggest this way of configuring URLs. A better way would be...

$route['users/(.*)'] = "your_controller/$1";

This way, you're just renaming your controller name your_controller to users.

If you want to access profile of a user, you can do it like this...

$route['users/profile/(.*)'] = "another_controller/method/$1";
$route['users/(.*)'] = "your_controller/$1";

Consider the order of routing. Since you wrote users/(.*) in your route, it will match users/zarpio as well as users/profile/zarpio, and route both of them to your_controller/$1, which in the case of profile will give you a 404 page not found error. That is why you need to write users/profile/(.*) before users/(.*) in your routing configuration.

More information in codeigniter URI class documentation

