Dynamic frame resolve choice specs , date cast

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-08-26 13:42:21


I am writing a Glue code and using dynamic frame Api resolve choice , specs . I am trying to cast the source by passing casting when dynamic frame is created from catalog. I have successfully implemented the casting via resolve choice specs but while casting date i am getting null values , just wanted to understand how can we pass date with source format in casting. self.df_TR01=self.df_TR01.resolveChoice(specs=[('col1', 'cast"string'), ('col2_date', 'cast:date')]).toDF()

But in col2_date i am getting null value and i am trying to understand how can i pass date with source format in the above statement.


I encountered something similar but my issue before when writing dates to Redshift, they were also landing as nulls. In my case, I used the following and it helped me resolve the issue. Maybe this will help.

from datetime import datetime

def fix_dates(m):
    m["col2"] = datetime.strptime(m["col2"],  "m/d/yy")
    return m

custommapping1 = Map.apply(frame = datasource0, f = fix_dates, transformation_ctx = "custommapping1")

Alternatively you can make use of spark sql, for example:


df_cols  = spark.sql("""
  select to_date(cast(unix_timestamp(col2, 'M/d/yy') as timestamp)) as col2 from my_temp_view """)

ResolveChoice is normally able to deal with most ambiguities. Can you share a sample date that is failing to cast correctly, maybe I could also try on my end.

