How to copy a file on the FTP server to a directory on the same server in Java?

谁都会走 提交于 2019-11-27 20:13:58

If you are using apache commons net FTPClient, there is a direct method to move a file from one location to another location (if the user has proper permissions).

ftpClient.rename(from, to);

or, If you are familiar with ftp commands, you can use something like

ftpClient.sendCommand(FTPCommand.yourCommand, args);
if(FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(ftpClient.getReplyCode())) {
     //command successful;
} else {
     //check for reply code, and take appropriate action.

If you are using any other client, go through the documentation, There wont be much changes between client implementations.


Above approach moves the file to to directory, i.e, the file won't be there in from directory anymore. Basically ftp protocol meant to be transfer the files from local <-> remote or remote <-> other remote but not to transfer with in the server.

The work around here, would be simpler, get the complete file to a local InputStream and write it back to the server as a new file in the back up directory.

to get the complete file,

ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ftpClient.retrieveFile(fileName, outputStream);
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(outputStream.toByteArray());

now, store this stream to backup directory. First we need to change working directory to backup directory.

// assuming backup directory is with in current working directory
ftpClient.setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE);//binary files
//this overwrites the existing file
ftpClient.storeFile(fileName, is);
//if you don't want to overwrite it use storeUniqueFile

Hope this helps you..

Try this way,

I am using apache's library .

ftpClient.rename(from, to) will make it easier, i have mentioned in the code below where to add ftpClient.rename(from,to).

public void goforIt(){

        FTPClient con = null;

            con = new FTPClient();

            if (con.login("ujud3", "Stevejobs27!!!!"))
                con.enterLocalPassiveMode(); // important!
                String data = "/sdcard/prerakm4a.m4a";
                FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(new File(data));
                boolean result = con.storeFile("/Ads/prerakm4a.m4a", in);
                if (result) 
                            Log.v("upload result", "succeeded");

//$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Add the backup Here$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$//

                   // Now here you can store the file into a backup location

                  // Use ftpClient.rename(from, to) to place it in backup

//$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Add the backup Here$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$//

        catch (Exception e)


There's no standard way to duplicate a remote file over FTP protocol. Some FTP servers support proprietary or non-standard extensions for this though.

So if your are lucky that your server is ProFTPD with mod_copy module, you can use FTP.sendCommand to issue these two commands:

f.sendCommand("CPFR sourcepath");
f.sendCommand("CPTO targetpath");

The second possibility is that your server allows you to execute arbitrary shell commands. This is even less common. If your server supports this you can use SITE EXEC command:

SITE EXEC cp -p sourcepath targetpath

Another workaround is to open a second connection to the FTP server and make the server upload the file to itself by piping a passive mode data connection to an active mode data connection. Implementation of this solution (in PHP though) is shown in FTP copy a file to another place in same FTP.

If neither of this works, all you can do is to download the file to a local temporary location and re-upload it back to the target location. This is that the answer by @RP- shows.

See also FTP copy a file to another place in same FTP.

To backup at same Server (move), can you use:

String source="/home/user/some";
String goal  ="/home/user/someOther";
FTPFile[] filesFTP = cliente.listFiles(source);

clientFTP.changeWorkingDirectory(goal);  // IMPORTANT change to final directory

for (FTPFile f : archivosFTP) 
        cliente.rename(source+"/"+f.getName(), f.getName());